CFA Video


USAFA '29 Candidate
Nov 30, 2023
Hello, I did my CFA about a month ago for USAFA. I had the scores transferred over to my USMA portal, but they're asking for a video of my pull ups. We didn't make a video during my first CFA, so should I retake it or submit a video of me doing the same amount of pull ups? Are there any alternatives?
Hello, I did my CFA about a month ago for USAFA. I had the scores transferred over to my USMA portal, but they're asking for a video of my pull ups. We didn't make a video during my first CFA, so should I retake it or submit a video of me doing the same amount of pull ups? Are there any alternatives?
Ask your RC. He/she will have that answer for you.
You must submit a pull up video (no alternative) and it will be re-counted based on the form. example) You did exactly same # of pull-up at USAFA for recording but it can be ended by different # of pull-up based on your form. USMA will let you know # of pull up based on form by review.
My daughter took a video of herself performing the pullups and there were specifications about what has to be in the video (candidate id number, identification - she used her license and the administrator had to count) and the angle to record. She had all hers count but she did have two classmates that are also applying that did not have all of them counted when the video was submitted. One believed he did 10 but based on the video less counted. He was able to ask why and they let him know why they did not count all of them.
My first pullup video was disqualified for the reasons listed above. Make sure you list your candidate ID on paper and present an ID as well as have your entire body in frame during the event. Also, the USMA CFA instructions lists pullups as a cadence event, so they may reject your video if someone isn't repetitively saying up and counting the reps.
Attention to detail, clear direction to the administrator, critical thinking to work through directing the administrator in advance so as not to ruin the timing, etc. - all are part of the test when it comes to USMA’s required video.