May 17, 2015
I preformed exceptionally poorly on my CFA run. Nerves got to me and I couldn’t stop puking. I ended up running a 7:58. I know that no one knows for sure what pass/fail is, but has anyone had a similar run time to mine and passed or failed? Thanks in advance.
I'm female and ran a 7:45, which isn't the greatest either... I'm really not sure what passing is for males.

One of my female friends is a USAFA cadet and she ran like a 9:30 on her CFA. It passed. You're probably okay, but check with your regional admissions team because I don't know and your RC is the only one you can really tell you whether you passed or failed.
I preformed exceptionally poorly on my CFA run. Nerves got to me and I couldn’t stop puking. I ended up running a 7:58. I know that no one knows for sure what pass/fail is, but has anyone had a similar run time to mine and passed or failed? Thanks in advance.
Yes, I do know a male with that run time who passed for both USMA and USNA.