More on the need for more pilots:
Simultaneously, the service plans to increase the number of fighter pilots in its ranks by as much as 20 percent a year in part by using more
F-16 Fighting Falcons and trainer aircraft. The hope is to boost the number of fighter pilots it trains each year
to 1,375 officers.
Pilot Shortfall
Despite an inventory of nearly 1,600 combat aircraft, the Air Force now faces
a shortage of 700 pilots and 4,000 maintainers, according to the
2017 Index of U.S. Military Power, released Wednesday by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank in Washington, D.C.
No matter where you look inside the U.S. Air Force, the
shortage of pilots is an issue. For years it looked as if the shortage only affected the fighter pilot ranks, but even the supply of aviators for the Air Force’s transport arm, the Air Mobility Command, is running dry, according to the
Air Force Times.
Nearly 70 percent of the active-duty enlisted airmen and civilians who applied for Officer Training School were selected for the third class to be announced this year, the Air Force said Tuesday.
It is the second class in a row in which the acceptance rate has topped 60 percent. In May, the Air Force said that 65.78 percent of the 599 applicants to attend the 15OT02 class were accepted.
The higher selection rates are part of the Air Force's strategy to beef up its officer ranks, which is a component of its overall plan to rebuild the entire force. In a May interview, Brig. Gen. Brian Kelly, director of military force management policy, said the Air Force admitted 520 candidates to attend OTS classes that take place in 2015, but expects to admit more than 1,100 candidates for the 2016 classes, which are now being announced. Those higher selection rates are helping OTS field more aspiring second lieutenants.
Average GPA of those recommended for Navy OCS Naval Aviator was 3.26. 59% selection rate. Average GPA of those recommended for Navy OCS Naval Flight Officer was 3.17. 54% selection rate.