Honestly, I would put 0% weight in whatever anybody says regarding chances. We do not know what state you are from, nor what the pool will look like next year.None of us sit on the board,and we all come from different states. I am sure Christcorp sees chances differently than me because of the state in which he resides. I.E. some states spread the wealth, also known as MOCs talking. 1 nomination. Some states can have candidates with 3 nominations due to the competition level.
If you want a more realistic chance answer, than you need to answer what state you are from. Not saying you should place weight into the replies. Just saying the answers maybe different if posters added into the equation you were from CA, TX, NY, FL, VA and your ACT is 25.
I would put weight in what posters are saying regarding your ACT and to have plan B in place.
Boozebin is correct AFROTC scholarship process is much different in several ways.
1.AFA starts off geocentric, your district/state will be your competition at first, and if not appointed from those slates they may decide to send you to the National pool.
~~ AFROTC is national start to finish. IOWS, they don't care if every scholarship awarded is from CA only. If the top 900 candidates are all from CA than that is how it works
2. AFA super scores SAT and ACT. Take it 8 times and if the 5th time was the highest Math, 6th time was highest English, 7th time is highest Science and the 8th time is the highest reading, they will combine all of those different scores to create your super score.
~~ AFROTC is best sitting. No super scoring. The average best sitting ACT for a type 1 is @31. For type 7 it is @29.
3. AFA does not place intended major into the process.
~~ AFROTC awards 80-85% of all scholarships to STEM intended majors.
4. AFA will allow you to update your academic/EC portions of the packet through Feb. of your senior year.
~~ AFROTC only allows the SAT/ACT portion to be updated after the end of your junior year. Any awards, sports, leadership positions, etc are not considered.
The majority of candidates will apply for both, and every year there are posters that get the TWE for AFROTC scholarship, but are picked up for the AFA and vise a verse. The reason why impo is because of how the boards operate differently.
As for your ACT score. You have stated your composite is 25. The AFA, as far as I know is the only SA that states flat out if you have less than a 24E on your ACT you are deemed noncompetitive.
The question becomes for you with a composite of 25, are they across the board 25s or do you have a 22 in English, and 26s in the other 3 subjects?
I have also said earlier, but posted it incorrectly. The SAs do not require at least 2 years of foreign language, but it is recommended. It is jmpo, and with $2.06 you can get a small coffee, but I see this as a weakness in your academic profile. I honestly do not know any college bound kid with just a year of foreign language.
~ The reason I bring that issue up is they will look at your school profile and course curriculum/rigor for selection. How many graduate with only 1 year of foreign language? They look at the rigor of your schedule too. Taking weight training as an elective will be seen differently than taking a foreign language if the majority of your peers have at least 2 or 3 years.
~~~ I know I keep harping on this issue. Sorry, but it is something that I keep thinking most HS kids have 8 classes a year, you have 5 rigorous courses, but what are the other 3?