Change in Status


Nov 9, 2015
Hey everyone. I received an email from my BGO recently telling me that my offer status now reads "Pending Congressional Notification." Does anyone know what this means? Thank you in advance.
Typically when USNA makes an appointment, they notify your MOC and they give them 3-5 days to notify the candidate. Then they update your portal. They do this to give your MOC the opportunity to personally congratulate you.
Congrats Guy! Had always heard/read that BGOs don't know status until after the applicant is notified. Guess things are changing?
Not BGO's job to notify you of change in status, and frankly I didn't even know that Pending Congressional Notification is even an entry on BGIS.
(If it is, it probably shows for a day or two , between the time that CGO makes a decision and the Offer is reflected)
Yes, it means that your BGO is failing to do his/her job properly.
Yes I totally agree. At a minimum it should not be done via email conveying information that an applicant does not understand or is unclear as to its meaning. If the BGO is coordinating with the MOC or is part of the MOCs review board, than informing the applicant is fine, but not via email. Call the kid and make them feel special, or just let the portal do it.
Agree with suddensam/OldNavyBGO. It isn't a matter of whether someone agrees with the how the appointment notification is done...USNA's policy is that BGOs should not inform the candidate of their Admissions Board or appointment status.