(Originally posted to the USAFA 2017 FB group. Given how close the dates are now, it's a tad late in the coming, but it's still useful)
Since this question is popping up regularly, quick checklist for all the lovely paperwork we have to do, when it's due, and what to do with it on I-Day.
* = Denotes paperwork that MUST have copies brought on I-Day. Having a copy of everything doesn't hurt, though.
* June 1st - Optometry order form (only if you need glasses for BCT); fax or email
* June 1st - Immunizations form; fax or email (keep a personal copy, as well)
June 3rd - Association of Graduates membership application (*if you choose allocated payment, bring the form)
June 7 - Sponsor Program preferences and information; mail, email, or fax
June 10th - Tattoo and Body Marks Form 4428, must be completed with an ALO; fax or email.
June 10th - Uniform Measurements; mail, email, or fax.
* June 11 - O-123 Emergency Medical Information - DO NOT SIGN; mail the original form and bring a copy.
* June 11 - SGLV 8286 Life Insurance - DO NOT SIGN; mail the original form and bring a copy.
??? Banking Agreement and Information - Sent these in and lost the instruction forms, so I don't have the deadlines for them (if you have them, post in comments). Must be mailed.
Other stuff:
* SF86 Security Clearance: You don't have to turn this in, just bring it completed to I-Day. According to information given by graduates and current cadets, you will be redoing the form using the information you're filling in now. Don't show up on I-Day and get screwed over because you can't remember your teacher's home phone number.
* Bring three copies of your travel orders to I-Day.
* If you're traveling on your own dime, bring travel voucher form, itinerary, and receipts
The General Questionnaire, Privacy Release, and Language Placement Test are due before I-Day, and are accessible through the email sent to you (Appointee Data Collection).
Useful Notes:
If you don't submit your immunization form by June 1st, don't panic - you'll just have to get them again during inprocessing (sorry, trypanophobes). Same goes for most of the other forms - for most of them, failure to submit by the deadline isn't an insta-fail state, but will complicate things for you. That said, GET IT DONE ON TIME.
For those wondering about the 7:00 AM arrival time on June 27th (in relation to squadron assignments), we'll be getting detailed arrival orders on June 12th (6:45, 7:15, 7:45...). If you're hoping to get a certain squadron for BCT, you'll know on the 12th.
Stay classy, 2017, and get 'yer dang paperwork done!