Christmas gifts?

airfare/ticket home for Christmas, a loaded gas card , video store gift card, and a gift card from his/her favorite restaurant:thumb:
We give our Mid "experiences" for Christmas and b'days, since he can't have (and doesn't seem to want) much stuff.

Examples: Indoor skydiving/vertical wind tunnel, kayaking trip, a massage, a facial (he had major breakouts @ the Academy), flights to see siblings, and, in later years, tours of/sampling @ a distillery.
Remember that your plebe won't be a plebe forever. Putting aside "electronics" for the minute (only b/c I'm no expert on what's "hot" in that area), I would think he/she would like the same things most other people that age would enjoy: gift cards, clothes (they will have leave on which to wear them), jewelry and fragrances (for women, mostly), books (or Kindle), etc. The one thing they don't need/want is stuff to "decorate their room at college.":shake:
My plebe just had a birthday and we got him a gift card to Chick N Ruths. If you haven't been there -- it is a must on your next visit. Right on main street. Beloved by Mids. They deliver to the Yard. And the card is reloadable from home via the internet.
My Mid usually finds an I-Tunes gift card in his Christmas Stocking, along with a few favorite restaurant cards and video store cards.....the gas card is handed out as soon as he gets home:thumb:
Thanks so much for the ideas! Those were very helpful. Does anyone know if you can get taxi vouchers/gift certificates there? Seems like a cheap, easy way to get out of there when on liberty would be greatly appreciated.
Any thoughts on a Kindle?

I know time and space are limited (are they? I'll have to ask her as she is a physics major :shake: ) but my DD loves to read and thought perhaps being able to obtain books instantly would be a plus.