Class of 2011 Profile


Jun 15, 2006
The official profile for all you over analyzers. It didn't print perfectly, but I think you can get the general idea.

Applicants and Nominees
Applicants (includes nominees) ....................... 12,003
Number of applicants with an
official nomination ...................................... 3,827
Nominees qualified scholastically,
medically and in physical aptitude ............... 1,893
Offers of admission ......................................... 1,419
Admitted ......................................................... 1,202

Combined Scholastic Assessment Test I (SAT I) and
American College Testing (ACT) Program Scores
Score Ranges
Verbal Math
700-800 (31-36) ............................... 23% 30%
600-699 (26-30) ............................... 46% 54%
<600 (<26) ................................... 31% 16%

Rank in High School Class
First fifth ................................................................ 78.0%
Second fifth ............................................................ 15.3%
Third fifth .............................................................. 5.1%
Fourth fifth ........................................................... 1.3%
Fifth fifth ............................................................... 0.3%

Previous College and Prep School
The Class of 2011 includes 28.3 percent (340) from college
and post-high school preparatory programs which include:
• 202 from Navy Academy Preparatory School (NAPS) in
Newport, R.I.;
• 20 from Nuclear Power Program (none having previously
attended college);
• 67 from the U.S. Naval Academy Foundation Program
(44 from preparatory schools and 24 from colleges under
Foundation sponsorship);
• 51 additional students have completed at least
six months of study at a college or university (43) or a
private preparatory school (8)
Military Background
The Class of 2011 includes 86 midshipmen who previously served
as enlisted members of the Navy (63) or Marine Corps (23).
This figure includes 16 who entered directly from Fleet service
(12 USN, 4 USMC), 20 USN from Nuclear Power School, and
50 from NAPS (31 USN, 19 USMC).

Geographic Distribution and International Students
Midshipmen were admitted from every state in the Nation as well
Washington, D.C., and Guam. The Class of 2011 also includes
nine international students from the following countries: Albania,
Azerbaijan, Belize, Federated States of Micronesia, Lithuania,
Madagascar, Singapore, and Tunisia (2).

School Honors and Activities
Student body/council/government
president or vice president ................................... 8.3%
Class president or vice president .............................. 11.6%
School club president or vice president .................... 35.2%
School publication staff ........................................... 22.7%
National Honor Society .......................................... 62.0%
Varsity athletics ....................................................... 90.9%
Varsity letter winner ................................................ 84.2%
Dramatics, public speaking, debating ...................... 88.4%
Eagle Scout/Gold Award ......................................... 11.0%
Boys/Girls State or Nation ...................................... 15.5%
Reserve Officer Training Programs .......................... 13.7%
Sea Cadets .............................................................. 3.0%

The Class of 2011 includes 24.2 percent (291) minority
midshipmen with ethnic backgrounds as follows: African
American (60), Hispanic (132), Asian American (62),
Native American (28) and Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (9).
Due to BUPERS ethnic data, candidates may now be counted
as more than one category.

The Class of 2011 includes 20.9 percent (251) women.
Sons and Daughters of Alumni (71)
The Class of 2011 includes 55 sons and 16 daughters
of Naval Academy alumni (5.9 percent of the class).
One daughter is the child of a female Naval Academy
graduate (0.08 percent).
I see only 3,827 applicants received an official nominations - seems like a lot went unused.