(128) USNA Appointments Reported as of 8:00 am on Thursday, June 23, 2016:
1) Letsdothis/ DS/ Jan 20th Appointment
/ Accepted/ VA-07/ Congressional Nom
2) MABlue/ Jan 22nd Appointment(
Accepted) / MA-03/ Congressional Nom
3) MWM2016/ October 20 Appointment (
not yet accepted) / NJ-03/ Presidential Nom
4) NavyMom19/ DS (reapp) Jan 20th/
Accepted/ CA-50/ Congressional, Senator, Presidential Nom
5) tipp20/ DD/ Jan 26th Appointment
/ Accepted/ MI-14/ Congressional, Senator Nom
6) Future2020/ Jan 12th Appointment
/ Accepted/ NY-20/ Congressional Nom
7) wkarak00/ Jan 22 Appointment,
not yet accepted/ OH-14/ Senator, Congressional Nom.
8) Socnorb/ January 15 Appointment,
Accepted/ ID- / Senator, Congressional Nom
9) navymom17/ DS/ January 26 Appointment,
Accepted/ MI-06/ Congressional Nom, Senator
10) RT10/ 26 January Appointment
/ Accepted/ TX-03/ Congressional Nom
11) 2020_USNAengineer/ 26 Jan Appointment
/ Accepted/ GA-?? / Senator and Cong. Nom
12) Fire captain/ DS/ January Appointment (
Accepted) / Illinois MOC/ IL-??/
13) jtjr1972/DS/Dec 18th Appointment and
Accepted/ NH/Congressional and Senator Nom
14) SYDad/ DS/ Jan 25 Appt; Accept - had LOA / PA-18/ Congress Nom/
15) Navydaze/ DS/ January 20th Appointment,
Accepted/ NC-1/ Congressional Nom
16) lingeringboat/ Dec 12 Appointment,
Accepted/ GA-08/ and Senator Nom
17) oh_yeah/ Me/ January 26Appointment/ VA-01/ Congressional ;NROTC Nom/
18) fddad19/ DD/ Jan 28 Appointment/ IL / JROTC nom/
19) BlackKnight89/ DS/ September 18 Appointment/ VA-01/ Presidential/
20) NavalArchitectWannabe/ Dec 12 Appointment,
Accepted/ GA-08/ both Senator Noms
21) SCMids/ Jan 26 Appointment
/ Accepted/ SC-2/ color deficiency waiver/
22) kencrus/ Dec 29 Appointment
/ Accepted/ IL-03/ Congressional Nom
23) hopeful1998/ DS/ December 23 Appointment/ CA-48/ Senate & Cong nom/ LOA/
24) candidate2020/ Jan. 21 Appointment,
Accepted/ TN-01/ Congressional Nom/ LOA
25) Colo2020/ DD / Appointment Dec 23/
Accepted Mar 14/ CO-4/ Congressional Nom/ LOA
26) Proudmamaof2/ DS/ appointment Oct 9/ presidential NOM/ TN/
not yet accepted
27) cihper/ Feb 1 Appointment/ NM-02/ LOA/
28) ben_m_usna2020/Nov 13 Appt -
Accepted(no LOA) /VA-04 / Presidential ; congressional nom
29) hopefuldad3210/DS/Feb 2 appt,
Accepted (LOA) /NY-16/Cong. and Senate nom
30) Blessedmom DS/ Jan 20 Appointment/
Accepted/ Congress nom / PA-07/ LOA
31) PMD_23 DS/Dec 23 Appt,
not yet accepted/WA-??/Deceased Service member ; Congressional
32) ludUSNA/ Jan 29 Foundation offer, possible appointment,
Accepted/ NH-01/ 2 Senatorial
33) naptown2020/ Feb 2 Appointment
/ Accepted (with LOA) / MD-04/ Senatorial Nom
34) Annapolis2020/ Dec 23 Appointment
/ Accepted (LOA) / OH-10/ Congressional Nom
35) WannabeGonnabe/ Dec15 Appt
/ Accepted/ CT-03/ Congressional and Senatorial Noms
36) Navy dad/ DS/ Dec. Appt
/ Accepted/ AZ-05/ Congressional and Senatorial Noms/ LOA
37) Navy_Candidate_2015/ 02 Feb Appt-
Accepted (LOA OCT '15) / NJ-03/ Sen. and Cong. Nom
38) Duke24/ DS/ Appointment 05 Feb 2016-
Accepted/ MI-02/ Congressional nom
39) Jauch/ Jan 20 Appointment
/ Accepted/ TX-36/ Senatorial Nom
40) Sapimad22/ DS/ Feb 6 Appt-Feb 19
Accepted/ WI-01/ Cong. and Sen. Nom./ LOA
41) USNA2020/ JAN 27 Appointment-
not yet accepted/ MD-06/ LOA and Senatorial Nom
42) Fifi5/ DS/ Feb 8 Appointment-
Accepted/ CA-33/ Congressional NOM
43) Zoomama/ DD/ Feb 9 Appt-
not yet accepted/ MA-02/ Cong. and Senatorial Noms (no LOA)
44) theGOAT/ DG/ January 11/ OH-??/Ohio Congressional (no LOA)/
45) NYDsDad/ DS/ 23 Dec 2015 Appt -
Accepted (LOA SEPT 2015) / NY-22/ Congressional Nom
46) Rphsue/ DS/ LOA Oct 2015/ senator nom /NJ-05/Appointment Feb 9/
47) ricer1270/ DD/ LOA Oct 2015/ senator nom / IN/ Appt. ;
Accepted Nov. 2015
48) MDlaxfan/ DD/ Feb2 Appointed-
Accepted/ MD-04/ Senatorial nom/ LOA
49) FirstinhisHS/ DS/ Jan24/ Appointed
/ Accepted/ FL-14/ Congressional Nomination
50) EmperorQin/ Feb12/ Appointment/ CA-39/ Congressional Nomination (no LOA)/
51) JTGib13/ DS/ Feb 12/ Appt/ MA-02/ Congressional ; Sen. Nom. [2nd attempt+self-preped]/
Declined/ Accepted USMA
52) MIDN4/ CJones/ Feb 13/ Appt/ MA-05/ Cong and NROTC Nom/ College Reapplicant/
53) SpaceCowboy/ Feb 15/ Appt/ WA-07/ Congressional and Senatorial Nomination (no LOA)/
54) Zmansmom/DS/Feb 16 Appt/GA-02/Sen. Perdue and Rep Bishop Noms (No LOA, reapplicant) ,
Accepted same day!
55) NavyDad13/ DS/Feb 17/Appt/CA-25/ Cong. (not principal nom-competitive alter., no LOA) - on portal, no call
56) farmgirl1776/ DS/ Feb 23/ Appointment/ KY-5/ Congressional and 2 senatorial nominations/
57) GONAVYLa!/ Feb 22/ Appointment/ La-01/ Congressional and Senatorial Nom/
58) PCB/ Dec 15/ Appointment/ AL-06/ LOA/ Congressional and Senatorial/
59) goforspaatz / 23 FEB MOC call / OH-11/ Alternate nom / 24 FEB portal update/
/ Accepted Appointment to USAFA
60) MI1289/ Dec 23/ Appointment
/ Accepted/ MI-03/ Congressional (LOA)
61) collinkane49/ Feb24 Appt-
Accepted/MA-04/Congressional and Senatorial Nom (no LOA)
62) afreed/ Feb24/ Appointment/ MA-04/ Congressional and both Senatorial Noms/
63) SerendipityRN/ DS/ Feb26 Appointment/ MO-02/ Congressional Nom/
64) Bobop70/ Feb 22/ Appointment/ NJ-03/ Received phone call from MacArthur 02/22/16/
65) NYTex/ DS/ Dec 29 Appointment(
Accepted) / NY-16/ Congressional Nom/ LOA
66) Disco2020 DS / Dec 23/ Appointed-
Accepted/ CA-09/ Congressional Nom/ LOA
67) Betcoir/ DS/ Feb 23/ Appointment/ MO-05 / MOC nomination /
Declined USNA (Accepted Appointment to USAFA
68) RSpight/ DS / Jan 12/ Appointment/ IN-01/ Congressional Nom/ LOA/
69) Chrismm19/ Feb 24/ Appointment/ TN-02/ Congressional Nom/
70) murfthesurf/ DS/Feb 29 Appt (
Accepted Mar 2) /No LOA/PA-03/US Rep. Kelly just called
71) JerseyGrownUSNA20/ Feb 26/ Appointment/ NJ-06/ Received email from Cong. Pallone/
72) Skegs/DS/ Feb 29 Appt/NJ-04/Congressman phoned, email from USNA 2 days later/ three noms, no LOA/
73) USNA2020DE/ Jan 26 Appt/DE-01/Jan 8 Principal Nom from Senator/
Accepted Jan 29
74) Wildcatmom06/DS/March 4th Appt /
Accepted April 4th/GA-11 /Cong nom ; Sen. Isakson Nom/ Call from Rep Loudermilk
75) USNAclassof2020/ DD/ March 4th Appointment/ MO-8/ Call from MOC tonight/
76) tsparks/ March 3rd Appointment (
Not yet accepted) / IN-02 / Congressional Nom
77) SADetective/ DS/ Feb. 24/ Appointment /
Accepted / CA-30/ Cong. Nom/ Email ; portal update
78) fast505/ DS/ Jan.12 Appointment /
Accepted/ MD-05/ Rep. Hoyer
79) Fast18s/ DD/Mar.4 Appt/TX-05/Congressman Hensarling called -
80) MD2020/ DS/ DEC 14 Appointment/ MD-05/ N
ot yet accepted
81) Trc98/ March 7 / appointment/ NY-06/ senatorial and congressional nom/
82) HopefulinTX/ DD/ March 7/ Appointment/ TX-08/ Call from congressman/ congressional nom/
83) evdfootball/ March 8/ Appointment/ MA-07/ email and portal update/
84) USNA Hopeful '20/ March 8/ IL-06/ offer of appointment (
Accepted) / Call from MOC
85) OHmom16/DD/Mar. 7 Appt/Sen. & MOC /OH-12 Noms/ no LOA; college freshman reapplicant/
86) MilVetSpouseMom/DD/Feb 17 Appt-
Accepted/FL-25/Cong. & Presidential NOMs/ LOA
87) mcfeeley15/March 9/Appt (N
ot yet accepted)/NY-26/Congressional NOM/LOA received
88) proudDadUSNA/DS/March 9/Appointment/NY-09/Congressional NOM/
89) brewer90/DS/Jan 20/LOA/CA-02/Congressional Nomination/
90) smj89/02/24/16 appointment/ portal update/ TN-07/ Cong. nom/
91) WesTexDad2020/DS/February 2 Appointment/ TX-16/ Congressional, Senator/
92) ProudofourSon/DS/Feb 12th Appointment/IL-/Senator Nomination/
93) Navy2020CA/DD/19 OCT LOA/24 DEC Appt
/ Accepted/CA-45/Cong. Nomination
94) TheGoatIsOldAndGnarly/ 05 January Appointment
/ Accepted/ AR-03/ Congressional
95) starbuck/DD/18 DEC/TX-12/Presidential and Congressional nomination/
96) 2020 Parent/DS/December 18/LOA/
Accepted/US Rep and two US Senators/ Unknown State
97) Bigheaddisney/DS/Feb 19 LOA/March 9 Appt
/ Accepted/Congressional nom/OK-4
98) usnaphoenix/Jan. 20th Appointment -
Accepted/FL-16/Congressional Nomination and LOA
99) 2boymom/DS/Mar 11 Appt/3 Cong. noms in 2015 and three in 2016/ re- applicant/KS-2/
100) socalfan/DS/early Oct LOA/early Dec appt/
Accepted/CA-??/Congressional nomination
101) kangaroo2533/4 Dec LOA/9 Dec Cong. Nom TX-20/16 Dec Senatorial Nom (Ted Cruz lol)/18 Dec Appointment/
102) LTR /DS/March 14 /FL/Appt/Call from Rep /Rep & Senate Nom in 2015 / Rep in 2016/
103) IllinoisMom / DS / Nov 17 Appointment /
Accepted Jan 2 / Congressional Nomination / IL-10
104) Seacadet2020/March 4 Appt/
Accepted/Call from Congressman /Congressional Nom /MA-09
105) Mom529 / DS / March 16 Appointment / TN-08 Nomination/
106) midshipmantobe/DS/ March 16/ Appointment / MOC Nom/ MOC Called today !/ CA-49/
107) MittenMan/DS/Feb 12 LOA/Feb 22 Appt/
Accepted Mar 18/MI-06/Sen, Congl, CO N-ROTC noms/college re-applicant
108) Usnavy2019/Dec 23, '15 Principal Nom/Jan 26 Appt/
Accepted Feb 22 (I was at sea with school)/college re-applicant/CA-11
109) Brawny 77/ DS/ Appt Jan. 25/
Accepted March 28/ USAFA + USMA Appointments respectfully declined/ TX-04 MOC nom
110) Just Dad/DD/Appointment January/
Accepted March 29th/Nomination from U.S. Rep. Susan Delbene /WA-01
111) Dad2020/DS/ LOA on 9-11-15 / Appointment MOC Called 12-7-15/
Accepted/ 12-14-15/ MO- 07/
112) canislupus / DS / April 4 Appointment / Nomination from CA senator -1 / CA-39/
113) Ted&Gladys/DD/LOA Sept. 4/ NOM Senator Nov. 1/Appointment Nov.30th, 2015/
114) GoNavy2020/DS/LOA Sept./ NOM Nov. 23/Appointment Dec 2, 2015/ MOC FL-23/
115) yrangd/DS/LOA / MOC NOM November/Appointment Dec 2, 2015/ MD-06/
116) smlouie//DD/MOC Called in November/ Appointment Nov.30th, 2015/
Accepted/Unknown State
117) credit18/DD/LOA / MOC NOM December/Appointment Dec 29, 2015 (my birthday) / GA-??/
118) Tknight/DS/LOA/MOC NOM/Santa Clarita, CA/Appointment January 15th, 2016/
119) FL2Annapolis/DS/March 2 Appointment/
Accepted/FL-02/Congressional and Senatorial Nominations
120) bops98/December 17 Appointment and
Accepted (with Oct LOA)/OR-05/Congressional Nomination
121) Lukieboy06/DS /Feb/Appointment /
Accepted / Sup. Nom.
122) 2020prdPop/DS/April 14 Wait-listed /April 21 Appointment/
Accepted/MI-03/Rep and 2 Sen Noms
123) coachkarl/DS/Conditional LOA became full LOA May 4/
Senatorial Nominee, Congressional Nomination
124) Sempersgt/DD/Wait-listed No More/May 5th Appt/
ACCEPTED/CA-53/Congressional Nom
125) Islandmom4/DD/NAPS 2015-16/ Appointment May 10th /
Accepted/ SC-01/ principal nom Rep Sanford and nom Sen Scott.
126) USNAMom2020/DS/3rd Time Applicant!!/ from US Navy Nuclear Program/ A Fleet Appointment/Announced May 23rd, 2016/
127) TxNana/DGS/LOA/Appointment May 24th /
128) HassamaMama/LOA Feb 5th/Appointment June 9th/
On June 23, 2012, the
USNA Class of 2016 Appointment thread was at
87 Appointments , the last updated entry was on April 6th, 2012.
On June 23, 2013, the
USNA Class of 2017 Appointment thread was at
121 Appointments , the last updated entry was on April 4th, 2013.
On June 23, 2014, the
USNA Class of 2018 Appointment thread was at
104 Appointments , the last updated entry was on June 9th, 2014.
On June 23, 2015, the
USNA Class of 2019 Appointment thread was at
85 Appointments , the last updated entry was on May 10th, 2015.
On June 23, 2016, the
USNA Class of 2020 Appointment thread was at
128 Appointments , the last updated entry was on May 24th, 2016.
Thursday, June 23, 2016:
USNA Appointments Reported to the Forum =
USAFA Appointments Reported to the Forum =
USMA Appointments Reported to the Forum =
USMMA Appointments Reported to the Forum =

The 'Class of 2020 USNA Appointment Thread'
has the most recorded number of USNA Appointments ever listed on the 'Naval Academy - USNA Forum'.
Comments :
The Class of 2020 will have the lowest number of Plebes admitted to the USNA, in decades.
Total Plebes inducted to Class of 2020 will come in under 1,188 on June 30th (I-Day).
Target Number for Class of 2020 was 1,155 Plebes.
Class of 2019 target number was also set at 1,155 Plebes, however, 1,191 accepted Appointment