Class of 2021 USNA Appointment Thread

We're in MI-06. We haven't heard of any other appointments in the district for Navy. DD has nominations from representative plus both senators. She had a great summer seminar last year. Mom is a USNA grad. Good backups but Really wants USNA. DD has done everything she can.

For all those still in CPR status, I've been checking this board multiple times a day for any sign one way or the other just as you all have been. This is a gut-wrenching time for us as we really want DD to see the fruit of her hard work, dedication, and sacrifice. She's chosen the hardest courses, is an IB diploma candidate, and is posting awesome grades. She wants this and we want her to see that hard work pays off. Having been a former Naval Officer myself, I know she has the stuff.

I'm with you all in the anticipation!

Couldn't have said it better myself. We're in NC District 10 and have seen nor heard nothing. My DS and your DD seem to have very similar resumes and I like you want him "to see the fruit of hard work"

While not having the experience of being a Nava Officer, my wife and I are both career AF Officers, and my DS grandfather was a career Naval Enlisted NCO.

We know our DS has what it takes...just need that appointment.

Good luck, I hope she gets the appointment. I'll continue to follow this thread and I hope to see her appointment post soon.

Thank you, GoNavy2021!! Best wishes to your son as well! I hope you get great news soon!
1) navyafgirl /(Self)/No LOA / Appt. Oct. 3, 2016 / Not Yet Accepted/ VA - POTUS / Presidential Nomination
2) Navymom2021/DS/No LOA/Appt. Oct.3, 2016/Accepted/VA - POTUS /Presidential Nomination
3) MCJROTC_is_cool/(Self)/No LOA/Appt. Oct. 3, 2016/Accepted/PA - POTUS/Presidential Nomination
4) Padre101/DS/No LOA/Appt. Oct. 24. 2016/Declined/VA-POTUS/Presidential Nomination
5) GregInMD/DD/LOA/Appt. Oct 24, 2016/Accepted/MD/Senator Nomination
6) Navyboy17/(Self)/No LOA/ Appt. Oct 27, 2016/Accepted/KS/Senator Nomination
7) Johnathan/DS/No LOA/Appt. Oct 28, 2016/Accepted/NC-4/JROTC Nomination
8) USNAhopeful21/(Self)/No LOA/ Appt. Oct. 3, 2016/Accepted/NC/JROTC Nomination
9) Nav21/(Self)/LOA/Appt. Oct. 28, 2016/Accepted/AL-POTUS/Presidential Nomination
10) FloridaToUSMA2021/(Self)/LOA/Appt. Dec. 1, 2016/Accepted/FL/Congressional Nomination
11) USNA2021_Dad/DS/No LOA/Appt. Dec. 3, 2016/Accepted/CO-06/Congressional
12) Sandra614/ DS/ No LOA/ Appt. Nov. 27, 2016/Not Yet Accepted/FL/Congressional
13) IRow2021/(Self)/ LOA/ Appt. Dec. 2, 2016/ Accepted/NC/JROTC Nomination
14) Schul542/ (self)/ LOA/ Appt. Dec. 7, 2016/ Not Yet Accepted/ IL/ Senator Nomination
15) Nosnow/DS/LOA/Appt. Dec.7, 2016/Accepted/AZ/Congressional Nomination
16) laxer98/(Self)/LOA/Appt. Dec. 7, 2016/Not Yet Accepted/MD/Congressional Nomination
17) tmanbrin / self / No LOA / Appt. Dec. 7, 2016 / Accepted / CO / Senator Nomination
18) Gonavy21/DS/LOA/Appt. Dec.7, 2016/ Accepted /GA/Congressional Nomination
19) Midgirl2021/DD/LOA/Appt. Dec.7,2016/Accepted/NY-03/Congressional Nomination
20) runxc8/Self/LOA/Appt. Nov. 23, 2016/Accepted/IN/Congressional Nomination
21) candidate1999/Self/LOA/Appt. Dec. 14, 2016/Plan to Accept/GA/Congressional Nomination
22) priscmcd/DS//LOA/Appt. Dec 14, 2016/Accepted/CA/Senator Nomination
23) Ohioman/(Self)/No LOA/ Appt. Dec 14, 2016/ Accepted/OH-14/Congressional Nomination
24) Ohio-USNA21/Self/No LOA/Appt. Dec 14, 2016/Accepted/OH/Congressional Nomination
25) Misnipe/DD/No LOA/Appt. 12/16/2016/Plan to Accept/MI-10/Congressional Nomination
26) mvgerdes/Self/LOA/Appt. Dec. 7, 2016/Accepted/TX/Congressional Nomination
27) VADad23/DD/LOA/Nov 28, 2016/ Plan to Accept/VA/Congressional Nomination
28) ClarkRogers/DS/LOA/10-27-2016/Plan to Accept/TN-03/Congressional Nomination
29) BReilly2017/(self)/No LoA/12-20-2016/Plan on Accepting/NJ-Congressman/Congressional Nomination
30) navyg21/Self/No LOA/Appt. Dec. 19, 2016/Plan to Accept/NH/Senator Nomination
31) mpk19/DS/LOA/ 12-02-2016/Accepted/NJ-07/Congressional Nomination
32) mdub71/DS/No LOA/Appt 12-23-2016/Accepted/CA-48/Congressional Nomination (11-28-2016)
33) navydad21/DD/No LOA/Appt. 12-16-2016/Accepted/WA/Congressional Nomination
34) USNA2021Dad/DS/LOA/Appt. 12-16-2016/Accepted/GA/Congressional Nomination
35) batsirk/DD/LOA/appt. 12-29-16/Plan to Accept/PA-06/Presidential,Congressional Nomination
36) Sam2018/DS/No LOA/Appt 12-29-16/Undecided/TX-04/Congressional Nomination
37) Hooyah2021/DS/LOA/Appt. 12-22-16/Accepted/CA-39/Senator Nomination
38) seaninsc/self/LOA/1-2-17/Plan to Accept/CA-49/Congressional Nomination
39) USNA_Mom _2021/DS/Appt. Nov 2016/Accepted/WI-8/Congressional Nomination
40) N3532C/DD/LOA/Appt. 1-4-2017/Not Yet Accepted/WI-6/Congressional Nomination
41) CTX34/self/No LOA/Appt. 1-3-2017/Undecided/TX-04/Congressional Nomination
42) Newport1965/DD/LOA/Appt. 1-4-2017/Accepted/OH-15/Congressional Nomination
43) 697biling/Self/LOA/Appt. January 4, 2017/Accepted/NC-06/Congressional Nomination
44) PackersRule4/self/No LOA/Appt. January 4th, 2017/Accepted/ PA-09/Congressional and Senatorial Nomination
45) Bennington1/DS/No LOA/Appt. 1-3-2017/Plan to Accept/IN-05/Senatorial and Congressional Nomination
46) servicekid21/self/No LOA/Appt. January 4th, 2017/Plan to Accept/ PA-11/Congressional and Presidential Nomination
47) hanbanero/self/no LOA/Appt. 1.3.17/Not yet accepted/WA-10/Congressional and Presidential Nomination
48) nap11/self/no LOA/ Appt. 1-10-17/Will Accept/FL-25/ Congressional and Senatorial Nomination
49) hogiewonkanobe/DS/no LOA / Appt. 1-9-17/ Plan to Accept / KY-02 / Congressional Nomination
50) blueplate99/self/No LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/Accepted/ CA-03/Congressional Nomination
51) April75/DD/LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/Accepted/ AZ-04/Congressional Nomination
52) AZSunDevil/DS/No LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/Accepted/AZ-08/Congressional and Senatorial Nomination
53) promethium/self/LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/Plan to Accept/PA/Congressional Nomination
54) Go_Navy/DS/No LOA/Appt. Jan 13, 2017/Plan to Accept/CA-POTUS/Presidential Nomination
55) OrionDad/DD/no LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/Declined/MI/Congressional Nomination
56) Gonavy2021/self/LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/Accepted/TX-20/Congressional Nomination
57) NoPhlyZone#215/self/No LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/Accepted/PA-02/Congressional Nomination
58) coas/DS/no LOA/Appt. Jan 12th, 2017/Accepted/TX-12/Congressional Principal Nomination
59) MidwestSailor20121/DS/No LOA/Appt. Jan 13th, 2017/Accepted/IA/Senatorial and Presidential Nomination
60) lusadi/self/LOA/Appt. January 18th, 2017/ Planning to Accept/ NJ - 7 / Congressional Nomination
61) Yangtze0119/DS/No LOA/Appt. January 19th, 2017/Accepted/VA-10/Senatorial Nomination
62) ssc6789/(self)/no LOA/Appt. Jan 19th, 2017/Accepted/CA-38/Congressional Nomination
63) SlimJim2021/Self/No LOA/Appt. Jan. 19, 2017/Accepted/SC/Senator Nomination
64) vmiwifeandmom/DS/No LOA/Appt. January 19th, 2017/Accepted/CA-26/Congressional and Presidential Nomination
65) Maine2Mid2021/(Self)/LOA/Appt. Jan. 19, 2017/Accepted/ ME/ Congressional Nomination (District ME02)
66) lizzy704/self/No LOA/Appt. Jan. 19th, 2017/Accepted/ CA-06/ Congressional and Senatorial nomination
67) CA_USNA_Dad/DD/LOA/Appt. Jan. 25, 2017/Accepted/CA-17/Congressional and Senatorial nominations
68) blueandgoldmom/DD/LOA/Appt. 1/25/17/Accepted/CA19/Congressional Nomination
69) grahamtorr65/DS/Appt. 01/25/17/ Plan to Accept / MI-02 / Congressional & Senatorial nominations
70) janglin5/Self/LOA/Appt. January 25th, 2017/Accepted/WA-03/Congressional Nomination
71) FPMOM/DD/No LOA/appt January 25,2017/Undecided/presidential nomination
72) aegisFC/self/No LOA/appt January 28, 2017/ Accepted/ SECNAV nomination
73) Usnacandidate2021/self/No LOA/appt January 27, 2017/ Accepted /GA-01/Congressional Nomination
74) EfusaurusRex/self/No LOA/appt Feb. 1, 2017/Declined/MS-04/congressional
75) LPOParent/DS/ LOA/appt Jan 25, 2017/Accepted/CA-31/congressional
76) momofmod/DS/LOA/Jan 21/Accepted/CT-05 /Sen & Cong
77) Psalm91.11/DS/No LOA/appt February 1, 2017/Plan to Accept/WY/Congressional and Senatorial nominations
78) Knights21/self/No LOA/February 1,2017/Accepted/NE-02/Congressional & Senatorial Nomination
79) Bluesky/DS/ LOA/Appt. Jan 12, 2017/Accepted/PA-04/congressional
80) 20USNA21/self/No LOA/Appt. February 1, 2017/Accepted/FL-17/congressional
81) peaslet/DS/LOA/appt. February 1st, 2017/Undecided/TX-23/Congressional/JROTC/Presidential
82) Norfolk63/DS/College Re-Applicant/Appointment Feb 3/Accepted/FL-08/Senatorial, Congressional, & NROTC Nominations
83) Navy1988/DS/No Loa/Appt Feb 1, 2017/Undecided/OH-13/Congressional
84)Bip/Self/No LOA/Appt. Jan 12, 1017/Not Yet Accepted/LA/Congressional Nomination
85) Happy2BaNavyMom/DS/No LOA/Appt. February 6, 2017/Accepted/CA-22/Congressional Nomination
86) beth4kids/DD/LOA/app.2/7/17/Plan to Accept/ NJ-04/Congressional Nom
87) karebear/self/No LOA/ Appointment 2/7/17/Declined/ IL-11/ Senatorial Nomination
88) prj888/self/No LOA/ Appt. 2/7/17/ Accepted/ AZ-05/ Congressional, Senatorial, & NROTC Nominations/ College Re- Applicant
89) Momusna2020hopeful/DD/No LOA/Appointment 1/27/17/Accepted/OH-12/Congressional Nomination/College Re-applicant
90)ADK2017/DS/no loa/appt Jan 13,2017/Not Yet Accepted/NY-21/Congressional Nom
91)Desw2/self/No LOA/ Appt 2/9/17/ Undecided / NY - 10/ Congressional
92) navy4040/self/LOA/ Appointment 2/7/17/Accepted/ IL-03/ Congressional Nomination
93)NotCollege/self/No LOA/Appointment 2/10/17/Undecided/VA-09/Congressional and Senatorial
94)usmc_hopeful941/self/LOA/Appointment 1/25/2027/Accepted/FL-09/Congressional and NJROTC
95)M60MG/DS/No LOA/Appointment 1/12/2017/Accepted/Sen 1&2 and MS-1
96)helmsdown/DD/No LOA/app. Feb 13, 2017/Not Yet Accepted/ NJ-12/Congressional Nom
97)firehawk1/DS/No LOA/Appt. 2-12-17/Plan to Accept/CO-04/Congressional Nom/College Re-Applicant
98) Fuss/self/No LOA/ Appt. Feb 15/Will decline/NV-04/Congressional nomination
99) NavyDadDD2021/DD/No LOA/Appointment Feb 15/Plan to Accept/MA-06/Congressional and 2 Senate Nomsp
100) Navyfamily/DS/No LOA/Appointment Feb 15/Undecided/AL-05/Presidential, Senatorial, Congressional
101) YachtRock / DS / No LOA/ Appt. Feb 15, 2017 / Not Yet Accepted / NH-01 / Senatorial Nominations (Shaheen and Ayotte)
102)gonavyusna / Self / LOA Feb. 3, 2017 / Appt. Feb. 15, 2017 / Not Yet Accepted / WA-06/ Senatorial, Congressional, NJROTC, and Pres.
103)GoBigRed88/DS/No LOA/Appt. Feb 15, 2017/Accepted/ME/Senatorial and NROTC nom/College re-applicant
104)Sealegs/DS/No LOA/Appt. Feb 01, 2017/Accepted/ID/Deceased or Disabled Veteran Nom, Sen. Risch, Sen. Crapo, and Con. Simpson
105)DawgYard/DD/No LOA/Appt. 12-05-2016/Waiting on Status/GA-08/Congressional Nomination
106)daoliver/Self/No LOA/Appt. Feb. 21, 2017/Plan to Accept/FL - 06/Congressional, NJROTC Nominations
107)Skippers/DS/No LOA/Appt. 02/22/2017/Not yet accepted/MA-08/Congressional Nomination; Presidential Nomination
108)Elnavy/DD/LOA/Appt.02/22/2017/Accepted/MA-08/Senatorial Nomination
109) T.Valiant/DS/No LOA/Appt. 02/22/17/Will Accept/GA-06/Senatorial, Congressional, & NROTC Nominations/College Re-Applicant
110) greekgrits/DS/No LOA/ Appt. 2/22/2017/ Accepted/AL-07/ Senatorial & Congressional Nomination
111) Navy2021/Self/No Loa/ Appt. 2/22/2017/ Accepted/CT-04/Senatorial, Congressional, NROTC Nominations/ College Re-Applicant
112)Navyhopeful563/DS/No Loa/Appt. 2/22/17/Accepted/Tx24/congressional,Presidential nomination
113)johnboat9/DS/No LOA/Appt. 2/22/17/Accepted/MO1/Senatorial, Congressional Nominations
114)waco001/DS/LOA/Appointment Feb 15th/Accepted/CT-03/Senatorial, Congressional
115)IdahoAF/Self/Appt. 2/24/17/Undecided/ID-02/Senatorial/Sen. Mike Crapo
116)GreenMountainPatriot/DD/No LOA/Appt.02/24/2017/Not Yet Accepted/VT-01/Congressional and (2)Senatorial Nominations
117) habakkuk15/ self / No LOA / Appt. 02/24/2017 / undecided / TN-08 / Representative, Senator, NROTC Noms / College Re-Applicant
118) Don21/ DD/ no LOA/ Appt 2/24/2017/ Accepted/ TX-02/ Congressional & Senatorial Nominations
119) USNA.hopeful/DS/LOA/ Appt 2/24/2017/ Accepted/ MN-03/Senate Nomination
120)17neparks/Self/LOA/Appt. March 1, 2017/Accepted/TN-3/Congressional Nomination
121) sandman92/DS/No LOA/Appt. 03/01/2017/Accepted/FL-04/Congressional and NROTC Nominations/College Re-Applicant
122)Wiiow99/DS/NoLOA/Appt.03/01/2017/Undecided/GA-08/Congressional and JROTC
123) Trigger/DS/No LOA/Appt. 03/01/2017/Accepted/GA-03/Senatorial, Congressional, Presidential and NROTC nominations/College Re-applicant
124)flying8764/DS/No LOA/Appt 3/3/3017/Accepted/IA-02/Congressional and NROTC nominations/college reapplicant
125)Mid21/DS/No LOA//Appt. 3-1-2017/Accepted/AZ-06/Congressional Nomination
126)navyproud2021/self/No LOA/Undecided/NY-10/Congressional Nom
127)Tibbs2021/ DS/No LOA/3-5/Accepted/ TX-9/congressional and NROTC nom/collage reapplicant
128)nolamomma/DD/No Loa/3-6-17/Accepted/LA-Richmond/Congressional and POTUS
129) LongHorn21/self/No LOA/Appt. 7 March 2017/Undecided/CA-30/Congressional Nomination
130)mrdolphin/self/No LOA/Appt 3/8/2017/ Plan to Accept/CA-25/Congressional Nomination/College Re-Applicant
131)TheAspiringWon/self/No LOA/Appt 3/8/2017/Undecided/CA-26/Congressional Nomination
132)MAC_Daddy/DS/No LOA/Appt. Dec. 7th, 2016/Accepted/NC-09 /Congressional Nomination
133)maxd950729/self/No LOA/Appt. March 9th, 2017/Accepted/MD-4 /Congressional, Presidential and JROTC Nomination
134)TheSiren/self /no LOA / Appt. Jan. 5, 2017 / Accepted / WY/ Presidential and Congressional Nomination
135)lowridinghobbit/self/no LOA/ Appt. March 13, 2017/ Accepted/ OH/ Senatorial Nomination
136)Acadmful/self/No LOA/ appt. March 14, 2017/Accepted/MI 11/ congressional nomination
137)Bryantboy83/DS/No LOA/Appt. March 14, 2017/Accepted/CT-02/Senatorial and Congressional Nomination
138)RINavyMom21/son/Apt-Nov/Accepted/RI/Senator-Congressioanl Nomination
139)USNAredrock/self/LOA/Appt Jan 5, 2017/Accepted/Utah-03/Congressional and senatorial nomination
140)Thamm819/self/no loa/appt 3/15/17. / Undecided / WI-01 / Principal congressional nom
141)NTWLF ONE/DS/No LOA/Appointment 3/15/17/Plan to accept/MO-2/Presidential and NROTC Nomination/College re-applicant
142)Markv13/Self/No Loa/Appointment 3/16/17/Plan to Accept/NC-09/Congressional and Senatorial Nomination
143)WVDAD2021/DS/No LOA/Appt. March 16,2017/Plan to Accept/ WV-01/Senator Joseph Manchin III
144)djf21/Self/LOA/Appointment 3/13/17/Accepted/MA-01/Congressional Nomination
145)usnavynurse/DS/No Loa/Appointment 3/15/17/Undecided/PA-09/Congressional -Shuster
146)Applicant21'/Self/LOA/Appointment 3/20/17/Accepted/NV-02/Senator Nominations
147) NPG23/Self/No LOA/ Appointment 1/04/17/Accepted/NY-19/Principal Congressional-Gibson
Has anyone heard anything from MS-03 district? I have not seen or heard any news from this district, which I hold a nomination from, as well as both of my senators and a presidential.
USNA Class of 2021 Appointments:

1) navyafgirl /(Self)/No LOA / Appt. Oct. 3, 2016 / Not Yet Accepted/ VA - POTUS / Presidential Nomination
2) Navymom2021/DS/No LOA/Appt. Oct.3, 2016/Accepted/VA - POTUS /Presidential Nomination
3) MCJROTC_is_cool/(Self)/No LOA/Appt. Oct. 3, 2016/Accepted/PA - POTUS/Presidential Nomination
4) Padre101/DS/No LOA/Appt. Oct. 24. 2016/Declined/VA-POTUS/Presidential Nomination
5) GregInMD/DD/LOA/Appt. Oct 24, 2016/Accepted/MD/Senator Nomination
6) Navyboy17/(Self)/No LOA/ Appt. Oct 27, 2016/Accepted/KS/Senator Nomination
7) Johnathan/DS/No LOA/Appt. Oct 28, 2016/Accepted/NC-4/JROTC Nomination
8) USNAhopeful21/(Self)/No LOA/ Appt. Oct. 3, 2016/Accepted/NC/JROTC Nomination
9) Nav21/(Self)/LOA/Appt. Oct. 28, 2016/Accepted/AL-POTUS/Presidential Nomination
10) FloridaToUSMA2021/(Self)/LOA/Appt. Dec. 1, 2016/Accepted/FL/Congressional Nomination
11) USNA2021_Dad/DS/No LOA/Appt. Dec. 3, 2016/Accepted/CO-06/Congressional
12) Sandra614/ DS/ No LOA/ Appt. Nov. 27, 2016/Not Yet Accepted/FL/Congressional
13) IRow2021/(Self)/ LOA/ Appt. Dec. 2, 2016/ Accepted/NC/JROTC Nomination
14) Schul542/ (self)/ LOA/ Appt. Dec. 7, 2016/ Not Yet Accepted/ IL/ Senator Nomination
15) Nosnow/DS/LOA/Appt. Dec.7, 2016/Accepted/AZ/Congressional Nomination
16) laxer98/(Self)/LOA/Appt. Dec. 7, 2016/Not Yet Accepted/MD/Congressional Nomination
17) tmanbrin / self / No LOA / Appt. Dec. 7, 2016 / Accepted / CO / Senator Nomination
18) Gonavy21/DS/LOA/Appt. Dec.7, 2016/ Accepted /GA/Congressional Nomination
19) Midgirl2021/DD/LOA/Appt. Dec.7,2016/Accepted/NY-03/Congressional Nomination
20) runxc8/Self/LOA/Appt. Nov. 23, 2016/Accepted/IN/Congressional Nomination
21) candidate1999/Self/LOA/Appt. Dec. 14, 2016/Plan to Accept/GA/Congressional Nomination
22) priscmcd/DS//LOA/Appt. Dec 14, 2016/Accepted/CA/Senator Nomination
23) Ohioman/(Self)/No LOA/ Appt. Dec 14, 2016/ Accepted/OH-14/Congressional Nomination
24) Ohio-USNA21/Self/No LOA/Appt. Dec 14, 2016/Accepted/OH/Congressional Nomination
25) Misnipe/DD/No LOA/Appt. 12/16/2016/Plan to Accept/MI-10/Congressional Nomination
26) mvgerdes/Self/LOA/Appt. Dec. 7, 2016/Accepted/TX/Congressional Nomination
27) VADad23/DD/LOA/Nov 28, 2016/ Plan to Accept/VA/Congressional Nomination
28) ClarkRogers/DS/LOA/10-27-2016/Plan to Accept/TN-03/Congressional Nomination
29) BReilly2017/(self)/No LoA/12-20-2016/Plan on Accepting/NJ-Congressman/Congressional Nomination
30) navyg21/Self/No LOA/Appt. Dec. 19, 2016/Plan to Accept/NH/Senator Nomination
31) mpk19/DS/LOA/ 12-02-2016/Accepted/NJ-07/Congressional Nomination
32) mdub71/DS/No LOA/Appt 12-23-2016/Accepted/CA-48/Congressional Nomination (11-28-2016)
33) navydad21/DD/No LOA/Appt. 12-16-2016/Accepted/WA/Congressional Nomination
34) USNA2021Dad/DS/LOA/Appt. 12-16-2016/Accepted/GA/Congressional Nomination
35) batsirk/DD/LOA/appt. 12-29-16/Plan to Accept/PA-06/Presidential,Congressional Nomination
36) Sam2018/DS/No LOA/Appt 12-29-16/Undecided/TX-04/Congressional Nomination
37) Hooyah2021/DS/LOA/Appt. 12-22-16/Accepted/CA-39/Senator Nomination
38) seaninsc/self/LOA/1-2-17/Plan to Accept/CA-49/Congressional Nomination
39) USNA_Mom _2021/DS/Appt. Nov 2016/Accepted/WI-8/Congressional Nomination
40) N3532C/DD/LOA/Appt. 1-4-2017/Not Yet Accepted/WI-6/Congressional Nomination
41) CTX34/self/No LOA/Appt. 1-3-2017/Undecided/TX-04/Congressional Nomination
42) Newport1965/DD/LOA/Appt. 1-4-2017/Accepted/OH-15/Congressional Nomination
43) 697biling/Self/LOA/Appt. January 4, 2017/Accepted/NC-06/Congressional Nomination
44) PackersRule4/self/No LOA/Appt. January 4th, 2017/Accepted/ PA-09/Congressional and Senatorial Nomination
45) Bennington1/DS/No LOA/Appt. 1-3-2017/Plan to Accept/IN-05/Senatorial and Congressional Nomination
46) servicekid21/self/No LOA/Appt. January 4th, 2017/Plan to Accept/ PA-11/Congressional and Presidential Nomination
47) hanbanero/self/no LOA/Appt. 1.3.17/Not yet accepted/WA-10/Congressional and Presidential Nomination
48) nap11/self/no LOA/ Appt. 1-10-17/Will Accept/FL-25/ Congressional and Senatorial Nomination
49) hogiewonkanobe/DS/no LOA / Appt. 1-9-17/ Plan to Accept / KY-02 / Congressional Nomination
50) blueplate99/self/No LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/Accepted/ CA-03/Congressional Nomination
51) April75/DD/LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/Accepted/ AZ-04/Congressional Nomination
52) AZSunDevil/DS/No LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/Accepted/AZ-08/Congressional and Senatorial Nomination
53) promethium/self/LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/Plan to Accept/PA/Congressional Nomination
54) Go_Navy/DS/No LOA/Appt. Jan 13, 2017/Plan to Accept/CA-POTUS/Presidential Nomination
55) OrionDad/DD/no LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/Declined/MI/Congressional Nomination
56) Gonavy2021/self/LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/Accepted/TX-20/Congressional Nomination
57) NoPhlyZone#215/self/No LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/Accepted/PA-02/Congressional Nomination
58) coas/DS/no LOA/Appt. Jan 12th, 2017/Accepted/TX-12/Congressional Principal Nomination
59) MidwestSailor20121/DS/No LOA/Appt. Jan 13th, 2017/Accepted/IA/Senatorial and Presidential Nomination
60) lusadi/self/LOA/Appt. January 18th, 2017/ Planning to Accept/ NJ - 7 / Congressional Nomination
61) Yangtze0119/DS/No LOA/Appt. January 19th, 2017/Accepted/VA-10/Senatorial Nomination
62) ssc6789/(self)/no LOA/Appt. Jan 19th, 2017/Accepted/CA-38/Congressional Nomination
63) SlimJim2021/Self/No LOA/Appt. Jan. 19, 2017/Accepted/SC/Senator Nomination
64) vmiwifeandmom/DS/No LOA/Appt. January 19th, 2017/Accepted/CA-26/Congressional and Presidential Nomination
65) Maine2Mid2021/(Self)/LOA/Appt. Jan. 19, 2017/Accepted/ ME/ Congressional Nomination (District ME02)
66) lizzy704/self/No LOA/Appt. Jan. 19th, 2017/Accepted/ CA-06/ Congressional and Senatorial nomination
67) CA_USNA_Dad/DD/LOA/Appt. Jan. 25, 2017/Accepted/CA-17/Congressional and Senatorial nominations
68) blueandgoldmom/DD/LOA/Appt. 1/25/17/Accepted/CA19/Congressional Nomination
69) grahamtorr65/DS/Appt. 01/25/17/ Plan to Accept / MI-02 / Congressional & Senatorial nominations
70) janglin5/Self/LOA/Appt. January 25th, 2017/Accepted/WA-03/Congressional Nomination
71) FPMOM/DD/No LOA/appt January 25,2017/Undecided/presidential nomination
72) aegisFC/self/No LOA/appt January 28, 2017/ Accepted/ SECNAV nomination
73) Usnacandidate2021/self/No LOA/appt January 27, 2017/ Accepted /GA-01/Congressional Nomination
74) EfusaurusRex/self/No LOA/appt Feb. 1, 2017/Declined/MS-04/congressional
75) LPOParent/DS/ LOA/appt Jan 25, 2017/Accepted/CA-31/congressional
76) momofmod/DS/LOA/Jan 21/Accepted/CT-05 /Sen & Cong
77) Psalm91.11/DS/No LOA/appt February 1, 2017/Plan to Accept/WY/Congressional and Senatorial nominations
78) Knights21/self/No LOA/February 1,2017/Accepted/NE-02/Congressional & Senatorial Nomination
79) Bluesky/DS/ LOA/Appt. Jan 12, 2017/Accepted/PA-04/congressional
80) 20USNA21/self/No LOA/Appt. February 1, 2017/Accepted/FL-17/congressional
81) peaslet/DS/LOA/appt. February 1st, 2017/Undecided/TX-23/Congressional/JROTC/Presidential
82) Norfolk63/DS/College Re-Applicant/Appointment Feb 3/Accepted/FL-08/Senatorial, Congressional, & NROTC Nominations
83) Navy1988/DS/No Loa/Appt Feb 1, 2017/Undecided/OH-13/Congressional
84)Bip/Self/No LOA/Appt. Jan 12, 1017/Not Yet Accepted/LA/Congressional Nomination
85) Happy2BaNavyMom/DS/No LOA/Appt. February 6, 2017/Accepted/CA-22/Congressional Nomination
86) beth4kids/DD/LOA/app.2/7/17/Plan to Accept/ NJ-04/Congressional Nom
87) karebear/self/No LOA/ Appointment 2/7/17/Declined/ IL-11/ Senatorial Nomination
88) prj888/self/No LOA/ Appt. 2/7/17/ Accepted/ AZ-05/ Congressional, Senatorial, & NROTC Nominations/ College Re- Applicant
89) Momusna2020hopeful/DD/No LOA/Appointment 1/27/17/Accepted/OH-12/Congressional Nomination/College Re-applicant
90)ADK2017/DS/no loa/appt Jan 13,2017/Not Yet Accepted/NY-21/Congressional Nom
91)Desw2/self/No LOA/ Appt 2/9/17/ Undecided / NY - 10/ Congressional
92) navy4040/self/LOA/ Appointment 2/7/17/Accepted/ IL-03/ Congressional Nomination
93)NotCollege/self/No LOA/Appointment 2/10/17/Undecided/VA-09/Congressional and Senatorial
94)usmc_hopeful941/self/LOA/Appointment 1/25/2027/Accepted/FL-09/Congressional and NJROTC
95)M60MG/DS/No LOA/Appointment 1/12/2017/Accepted/Sen 1&2 and MS-1
96)helmsdown/DD/No LOA/app. Feb 13, 2017/Not Yet Accepted/ NJ-12/Congressional Nom
97)firehawk1/DS/No LOA/Appt. 2-12-17/Plan to Accept/CO-04/Congressional Nom/College Re-Applicant
98) Fuss/self/No LOA/ Appt. Feb 15/Will decline/NV-04/Congressional nomination
99) NavyDadDD2021/DD/No LOA/Appointment Feb 15/Plan to Accept/MA-06/Congressional and 2 Senate Nomsp
100) Navyfamily/DS/No LOA/Appointment Feb 15/Undecided/AL-05/Presidential, Senatorial, Congressional
101) YachtRock / DS / No LOA/ Appt. Feb 15, 2017 / Not Yet Accepted / NH-01 / Senatorial Nominations (Shaheen and Ayotte)
102)gonavyusna / Self / LOA Feb. 3, 2017 / Appt. Feb. 15, 2017 / Not Yet Accepted / WA-06/ Senatorial, Congressional, NJROTC, and Pres.
103)GoBigRed88/DS/No LOA/Appt. Feb 15, 2017/Accepted/ME/Senatorial and NROTC nom/College re-applicant
104)Sealegs/DS/No LOA/Appt. Feb 01, 2017/Accepted/ID/Deceased or Disabled Veteran Nom, Sen. Risch, Sen. Crapo, and Con. Simpson
105)DawgYard/DD/No LOA/Appt. 12-05-2016/Waiting on Status/GA-08/Congressional Nomination
106)daoliver/Self/No LOA/Appt. Feb. 21, 2017/Plan to Accept/FL - 06/Congressional, NJROTC Nominations
107)Skippers/DS/No LOA/Appt. 02/22/2017/Not yet accepted/MA-08/Congressional Nomination; Presidential Nomination
108)Elnavy/DD/LOA/Appt.02/22/2017/Accepted/MA-08/Senatorial Nomination
109) T.Valiant/DS/No LOA/Appt. 02/22/17/Will Accept/GA-06/Senatorial, Congressional, & NROTC Nominations/College Re-Applicant
110) greekgrits/DS/No LOA/ Appt. 2/22/2017/ Accepted/AL-07/ Senatorial & Congressional Nomination
111) Navy2021/Self/No Loa/ Appt. 2/22/2017/ Accepted/CT-04/Senatorial, Congressional, NROTC Nominations/ College Re-Applicant
112)Navyhopeful563/DS/No Loa/Appt. 2/22/17/Accepted/Tx24/congressional,Presidential nomination
113)johnboat9/DS/No LOA/Appt. 2/22/17/Accepted/MO1/Senatorial, Congressional Nominations
114)waco001/DS/LOA/Appointment Feb 15th/Accepted/CT-03/Senatorial, Congressional
115)IdahoAF/Self/Appt. 2/24/17/Undecided/ID-02/Senatorial/Sen. Mike Crapo
116)GreenMountainPatriot/DD/No LOA/Appt.02/24/2017/Not Yet Accepted/VT-01/Congressional and (2)Senatorial Nominations
117) habakkuk15/ self / No LOA / Appt. 02/24/2017 / undecided / TN-08 / Representative, Senator, NROTC Noms / College Re-Applicant
118) Don21/ DD/ no LOA/ Appt 2/24/2017/ Accepted/ TX-02/ Congressional & Senatorial Nominations
119) USNA.hopeful/DS/LOA/ Appt 2/24/2017/ Accepted/ MN-03/Senate Nomination
120)17neparks/Self/LOA/Appt. March 1, 2017/Accepted/TN-3/Congressional Nomination
121) sandman92/DS/No LOA/Appt. 03/01/2017/Accepted/FL-04/Congressional and NROTC Nominations/College Re-Applicant
122)Wiiow99/DS/NoLOA/Appt.03/01/2017/Undecided/GA-08/Congressional and JROTC
123) Trigger/DS/No LOA/Appt. 03/01/2017/Accepted/GA-03/Senatorial, Congressional, Presidential and NROTC nominations/College Re-applicant
124)flying8764/DS/No LOA/Appt 3/3/3017/Accepted/IA-02/Congressional and NROTC nominations/college reapplicant
125)Mid21/DS/No LOA//Appt. 3-1-2017/Accepted/AZ-06/Congressional Nomination
126)navyproud2021/self/No LOA/Undecided/NY-10/Congressional Nom
127)Tibbs2021/ DS/No LOA/3-5/Accepted/ TX-9/congressional and NROTC nom/collage reapplicant
128)nolamomma/DD/No Loa/3-6-17/Accepted/LA-Richmond/Congressional and POTUS
129) LongHorn21/self/No LOA/Appt. 7 March 2017/Undecided/CA-30/Congressional Nomination
130)mrdolphin/self/No LOA/Appt 3/8/2017/ Plan to Accept/CA-25/Congressional Nomination/College Re-Applicant
131)TheAspiringWon/self/No LOA/Appt 3/8/2017/Undecided/CA-26/Congressional Nomination
132)MAC_Daddy/DS/No LOA/Appt. Dec. 7th, 2016/Accepted/NC-09 /Congressional Nomination
133)maxd950729/self/No LOA/Appt. March 9th, 2017/Accepted/MD-4 /Congressional, Presidential and JROTC Nomination
134)TheSiren/self /no LOA / Appt. Jan. 5, 2017 / Accepted / WY/ Presidential and Congressional Nomination
135)lowridinghobbit/self/no LOA/ Appt. March 13, 2017/ Accepted/ OH/ Senatorial Nomination
136)Acadmful/self/No LOA/ appt. March 14, 2017/Accepted/MI 11/ congressional nomination
137)Bryantboy83/DS/No LOA/Appt. March 14, 2017/Accepted/CT-02/Senatorial and Congressional Nomination
138)RINavyMom21/son/Apt-Nov/Accepted/RI/Senator-Congressioanl Nomination
139)USNAredrock/self/LOA/Appt Jan 5, 2017/Accepted/Utah-03/Congressional and senatorial nomination
140)Thamm819/self/no loa/appt 3/15/17. / Undecided / WI-01 / Principal congressional nom
141)NTWLF ONE/DS/No LOA/Appointment 3/15/17/Plan to accept/MO-2/Presidential and NROTC Nomination/College re-applicant
142)Markv13/Self/No Loa/Appointment 3/16/17/Plan to Accept/NC-09/Congressional and Senatorial Nomination
143)WVDAD2021/DS/No LOA/Appt. March 16,2017/Plan to Accept/ WV-01/Senator Joseph Manchin III
144)djf21/Self/LOA/Appointment 3/13/17/Accepted/MA-01/Congressional Nomination
145)usnavynurse/DS/No Loa/Appointment 3/15/17/Undecided/PA-09/Congressional -Shuster
146)Applicant21'/Self/LOA/Appointment 3/20/17/Accepted/NV-02/Senator Nominations
147) NPG23/Self/No LOA/ Appointment 1/04/17/Accepted/NY-19/Principal Congressional-Gibson
148)DBH29/DS/LOA /Appointment 3/20/17/Accepted/MD-05/Congressional nom
If I have not heard from admissions yet, should I assume I will not receive an appointment? I received nominations from both my senators.
If I have not heard from admissions yet, should I assume I will not receive an appointment? I received nominations from both my senators.
What did admissions say when you apply? Is there a "you will be informed by" date?
What my DS has received (and I think it is consistent with what I've see on other posts) is that "all candidates will be notified NLT April 15th".
Toughest decision for DS to make in his short 18 years. No doubt it will serve him well in the future. Accepted USMA. Good news is a slot should open up for NH-01. Good luck to USNA Class of 2021. Remember - one team, one fight.

101) YachtRock / DS / No LOA/ Appt. Feb 15, 2017 / Declined / NH-01 / Senatorial Nominations (Shaheen and Ayotte)

USNA Class of 2021 Appointments:

1) navyafgirl /(Self)/No LOA / Appt. Oct. 3, 2016 / Not Yet Accepted/ VA - POTUS / Presidential Nomination
2) Navymom2021/DS/No LOA/Appt. Oct.3, 2016/Accepted/VA - POTUS /Presidential Nomination
3) MCJROTC_is_cool/(Self)/No LOA/Appt. Oct. 3, 2016/Accepted/PA - POTUS/Presidential Nomination
4) Padre101/DS/No LOA/Appt. Oct. 24. 2016/Declined/VA-POTUS/Presidential Nomination
5) GregInMD/DD/LOA/Appt. Oct 24, 2016/Accepted/MD/Senator Nomination
6) Navyboy17/(Self)/No LOA/ Appt. Oct 27, 2016/Accepted/KS/Senator Nomination
7) Johnathan/DS/No LOA/Appt. Oct 28, 2016/Accepted/NC-4/JROTC Nomination
8) USNAhopeful21/(Self)/No LOA/ Appt. Oct. 3, 2016/Accepted/NC/JROTC Nomination
9) Nav21/(Self)/LOA/Appt. Oct. 28, 2016/Accepted/AL-POTUS/Presidential Nomination
10) FloridaToUSMA2021/(Self)/LOA/Appt. Dec. 1, 2016/Accepted/FL/Congressional Nomination
11) USNA2021_Dad/DS/No LOA/Appt. Dec. 3, 2016/Accepted/CO-06/Congressional
12) Sandra614/ DS/ No LOA/ Appt. Nov. 27, 2016/Not Yet Accepted/FL/Congressional
13) IRow2021/(Self)/ LOA/ Appt. Dec. 2, 2016/ Accepted/NC/JROTC Nomination
14) Schul542/ (self)/ LOA/ Appt. Dec. 7, 2016/ Not Yet Accepted/ IL/ Senator Nomination
15) Nosnow/DS/LOA/Appt. Dec.7, 2016/Accepted/AZ/Congressional Nomination
16) laxer98/(Self)/LOA/Appt. Dec. 7, 2016/Not Yet Accepted/MD/Congressional Nomination
17) tmanbrin / self / No LOA / Appt. Dec. 7, 2016 / Accepted / CO / Senator Nomination
18) Gonavy21/DS/LOA/Appt. Dec.7, 2016/ Accepted /GA/Congressional Nomination
19) Midgirl2021/DD/LOA/Appt. Dec.7,2016/Accepted/NY-03/Congressional Nomination
20) runxc8/Self/LOA/Appt. Nov. 23, 2016/Accepted/IN/Congressional Nomination
21) candidate1999/Self/LOA/Appt. Dec. 14, 2016/Plan to Accept/GA/Congressional Nomination
22) priscmcd/DS//LOA/Appt. Dec 14, 2016/Accepted/CA/Senator Nomination
23) Ohioman/(Self)/No LOA/ Appt. Dec 14, 2016/ Accepted/OH-14/Congressional Nomination
24) Ohio-USNA21/Self/No LOA/Appt. Dec 14, 2016/Accepted/OH/Congressional Nomination
25) Misnipe/DD/No LOA/Appt. 12/16/2016/Plan to Accept/MI-10/Congressional Nomination
26) mvgerdes/Self/LOA/Appt. Dec. 7, 2016/Accepted/TX/Congressional Nomination
27) VADad23/DD/LOA/Nov 28, 2016/ Plan to Accept/VA/Congressional Nomination
28) ClarkRogers/DS/LOA/10-27-2016/Plan to Accept/TN-03/Congressional Nomination
29) BReilly2017/(self)/No LoA/12-20-2016/Plan on Accepting/NJ-Congressman/Congressional Nomination
30) navyg21/Self/No LOA/Appt. Dec. 19, 2016/Plan to Accept/NH/Senator Nomination
31) mpk19/DS/LOA/ 12-02-2016/Accepted/NJ-07/Congressional Nomination
32) mdub71/DS/No LOA/Appt 12-23-2016/Accepted/CA-48/Congressional Nomination (11-28-2016)
33) navydad21/DD/No LOA/Appt. 12-16-2016/Accepted/WA/Congressional Nomination
34) USNA2021Dad/DS/LOA/Appt. 12-16-2016/Accepted/GA/Congressional Nomination
35) batsirk/DD/LOA/appt. 12-29-16/Plan to Accept/PA-06/Presidential,Congressional Nomination
36) Sam2018/DS/No LOA/Appt 12-29-16/Undecided/TX-04/Congressional Nomination
37) Hooyah2021/DS/LOA/Appt. 12-22-16/Accepted/CA-39/Senator Nomination
38) seaninsc/self/LOA/1-2-17/Plan to Accept/CA-49/Congressional Nomination
39) USNA_Mom _2021/DS/Appt. Nov 2016/Accepted/WI-8/Congressional Nomination
40) N3532C/DD/LOA/Appt. 1-4-2017/Not Yet Accepted/WI-6/Congressional Nomination
41) CTX34/self/No LOA/Appt. 1-3-2017/Undecided/TX-04/Congressional Nomination
42) Newport1965/DD/LOA/Appt. 1-4-2017/Accepted/OH-15/Congressional Nomination
43) 697biling/Self/LOA/Appt. January 4, 2017/Accepted/NC-06/Congressional Nomination
44) PackersRule4/self/No LOA/Appt. January 4th, 2017/Accepted/ PA-09/Congressional and Senatorial Nomination
45) Bennington1/DS/No LOA/Appt. 1-3-2017/Plan to Accept/IN-05/Senatorial and Congressional Nomination
46) servicekid21/self/No LOA/Appt. January 4th, 2017/Plan to Accept/ PA-11/Congressional and Presidential Nomination
47) hanbanero/self/no LOA/Appt. 1.3.17/Not yet accepted/WA-10/Congressional and Presidential Nomination
48) nap11/self/no LOA/ Appt. 1-10-17/Will Accept/FL-25/ Congressional and Senatorial Nomination
49) hogiewonkanobe/DS/no LOA / Appt. 1-9-17/ Plan to Accept / KY-02 / Congressional Nomination
50) blueplate99/self/No LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/Accepted/ CA-03/Congressional Nomination
51) April75/DD/LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/Accepted/ AZ-04/Congressional Nomination
52) AZSunDevil/DS/No LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/Accepted/AZ-08/Congressional and Senatorial Nomination
53) promethium/self/LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/Plan to Accept/PA/Congressional Nomination
54) Go_Navy/DS/No LOA/Appt. Jan 13, 2017/Plan to Accept/CA-POTUS/Presidential Nomination
55) OrionDad/DD/no LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/Declined/MI/Congressional Nomination
56) Gonavy2021/self/LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/Accepted/TX-20/Congressional Nomination
57) NoPhlyZone#215/self/No LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/Accepted/PA-02/Congressional Nomination
58) coas/DS/no LOA/Appt. Jan 12th, 2017/Accepted/TX-12/Congressional Principal Nomination
59) MidwestSailor20121/DS/No LOA/Appt. Jan 13th, 2017/Accepted/IA/Senatorial and Presidential Nomination
60) lusadi/self/LOA/Appt. January 18th, 2017/ Planning to Accept/ NJ - 7 / Congressional Nomination
61) Yangtze0119/DS/No LOA/Appt. January 19th, 2017/Accepted/VA-10/Senatorial Nomination
62) ssc6789/(self)/no LOA/Appt. Jan 19th, 2017/Accepted/CA-38/Congressional Nomination
63) SlimJim2021/Self/No LOA/Appt. Jan. 19, 2017/Accepted/SC/Senator Nomination
64) vmiwifeandmom/DS/No LOA/Appt. January 19th, 2017/Accepted/CA-26/Congressional and Presidential Nomination
65) Maine2Mid2021/(Self)/LOA/Appt. Jan. 19, 2017/Accepted/ ME/ Congressional Nomination (District ME02)
66) lizzy704/self/No LOA/Appt. Jan. 19th, 2017/Accepted/ CA-06/ Congressional and Senatorial nomination
67) CA_USNA_Dad/DD/LOA/Appt. Jan. 25, 2017/Accepted/CA-17/Congressional and Senatorial nominations
68) blueandgoldmom/DD/LOA/Appt. 1/25/17/Accepted/CA19/Congressional Nomination
69) grahamtorr65/DS/Appt. 01/25/17/ Plan to Accept / MI-02 / Congressional & Senatorial nominations
70) janglin5/Self/LOA/Appt. January 25th, 2017/Accepted/WA-03/Congressional Nomination
71) FPMOM/DD/No LOA/appt January 25,2017/Undecided/presidential nomination
72) aegisFC/self/No LOA/appt January 28, 2017/ Accepted/ SECNAV nomination
73) Usnacandidate2021/self/No LOA/appt January 27, 2017/ Accepted /GA-01/Congressional Nomination
74) EfusaurusRex/self/No LOA/appt Feb. 1, 2017/Declined/MS-04/congressional
75) LPOParent/DS/ LOA/appt Jan 25, 2017/Accepted/CA-31/congressional
76) momofmod/DS/LOA/Jan 21/Accepted/CT-05 /Sen & Cong
77) Psalm91.11/DS/No LOA/appt February 1, 2017/Plan to Accept/WY/Congressional and Senatorial nominations
78) Knights21/self/No LOA/February 1,2017/Accepted/NE-02/Congressional & Senatorial Nomination
79) Bluesky/DS/ LOA/Appt. Jan 12, 2017/Accepted/PA-04/congressional
80) 20USNA21/self/No LOA/Appt. February 1, 2017/Accepted/FL-17/congressional
81) peaslet/DS/LOA/appt. February 1st, 2017/Undecided/TX-23/Congressional/JROTC/Presidential
82) Norfolk63/DS/College Re-Applicant/Appointment Feb 3/Accepted/FL-08/Senatorial, Congressional, & NROTC Nominations
83) Navy1988/DS/No Loa/Appt Feb 1, 2017/Undecided/OH-13/Congressional
84)Bip/Self/No LOA/Appt. Jan 12, 1017/Not Yet Accepted/LA/Congressional Nomination
85) Happy2BaNavyMom/DS/No LOA/Appt. February 6, 2017/Accepted/CA-22/Congressional Nomination
86) beth4kids/DD/LOA/app.2/7/17/Plan to Accept/ NJ-04/Congressional Nom
87) karebear/self/No LOA/ Appointment 2/7/17/Declined/ IL-11/ Senatorial Nomination
88) prj888/self/No LOA/ Appt. 2/7/17/ Accepted/ AZ-05/ Congressional, Senatorial, & NROTC Nominations/ College Re- Applicant
89) Momusna2020hopeful/DD/No LOA/Appointment 1/27/17/Accepted/OH-12/Congressional Nomination/College Re-applicant
90)ADK2017/DS/no loa/appt Jan 13,2017/Not Yet Accepted/NY-21/Congressional Nom
91)Desw2/self/No LOA/ Appt 2/9/17/ Undecided / NY - 10/ Congressional
92) navy4040/self/LOA/ Appointment 2/7/17/Accepted/ IL-03/ Congressional Nomination
93)NotCollege/self/No LOA/Appointment 2/10/17/Undecided/VA-09/Congressional and Senatorial
94)usmc_hopeful941/self/LOA/Appointment 1/25/2027/Accepted/FL-09/Congressional and NJROTC
95)M60MG/DS/No LOA/Appointment 1/12/2017/Accepted/Sen 1&2 and MS-1
96)helmsdown/DD/No LOA/app. Feb 13, 2017/Not Yet Accepted/ NJ-12/Congressional Nom
97)firehawk1/DS/No LOA/Appt. 2-12-17/Plan to Accept/CO-04/Congressional Nom/College Re-Applicant
98) Fuss/self/No LOA/ Appt. Feb 15/Will decline/NV-04/Congressional nomination
99) NavyDadDD2021/DD/No LOA/Appointment Feb 15/Plan to Accept/MA-06/Congressional and 2 Senate Nomsp
100) Navyfamily/DS/No LOA/Appointment Feb 15/Undecided/AL-05/Presidential, Senatorial, Congressional
101) YachtRock / DS / No LOA/ Appt. Feb 15, 2017 / Declined / NH-01 / Senatorial Nominations (Shaheen and Ayotte)
102)gonavyusna / Self / LOA Feb. 3, 2017 / Appt. Feb. 15, 2017 / Not Yet Accepted / WA-06/ Senatorial, Congressional, NJROTC, and Pres.
103)GoBigRed88/DS/No LOA/Appt. Feb 15, 2017/Accepted/ME/Senatorial and NROTC nom/College re-applicant
104)Sealegs/DS/No LOA/Appt. Feb 01, 2017/Accepted/ID/Deceased or Disabled Veteran Nom, Sen. Risch, Sen. Crapo, and Con. Simpson
105)DawgYard/DD/No LOA/Appt. 12-05-2016/Waiting on Status/GA-08/Congressional Nomination
106)daoliver/Self/No LOA/Appt. Feb. 21, 2017/Plan to Accept/FL - 06/Congressional, NJROTC Nominations
107)Skippers/DS/No LOA/Appt. 02/22/2017/Not yet accepted/MA-08/Congressional Nomination; Presidential Nomination
108)Elnavy/DD/LOA/Appt.02/22/2017/Accepted/MA-08/Senatorial Nomination
109) T.Valiant/DS/No LOA/Appt. 02/22/17/Will Accept/GA-06/Senatorial, Congressional, & NROTC Nominations/College Re-Applicant
110) greekgrits/DS/No LOA/ Appt. 2/22/2017/ Accepted/AL-07/ Senatorial & Congressional Nomination
111) Navy2021/Self/No Loa/ Appt. 2/22/2017/ Accepted/CT-04/Senatorial, Congressional, NROTC Nominations/ College Re-Applicant
112)Navyhopeful563/DS/No Loa/Appt. 2/22/17/Accepted/Tx24/congressional,Presidential nomination
113)johnboat9/DS/No LOA/Appt. 2/22/17/Accepted/MO1/Senatorial, Congressional Nominations
114)waco001/DS/LOA/Appointment Feb 15th/Accepted/CT-03/Senatorial, Congressional
115)IdahoAF/Self/Appt. 2/24/17/Undecided/ID-02/Senatorial/Sen. Mike Crapo
116)GreenMountainPatriot/DD/No LOA/Appt.02/24/2017/Not Yet Accepted/VT-01/Congressional and (2)Senatorial Nominations
117) habakkuk15/ self / No LOA / Appt. 02/24/2017 / undecided / TN-08 / Representative, Senator, NROTC Noms / College Re-Applicant
118) Don21/ DD/ no LOA/ Appt 2/24/2017/ Accepted/ TX-02/ Congressional & Senatorial Nominations
119) USNA.hopeful/DS/LOA/ Appt 2/24/2017/ Accepted/ MN-03/Senate Nomination
120)17neparks/Self/LOA/Appt. March 1, 2017/Accepted/TN-3/Congressional Nomination
121) sandman92/DS/No LOA/Appt. 03/01/2017/Accepted/FL-04/Congressional and NROTC Nominations/College Re-Applicant
122)Wiiow99/DS/NoLOA/Appt.03/01/2017/Undecided/GA-08/Congressional and JROTC
123) Trigger/DS/No LOA/Appt. 03/01/2017/Accepted/GA-03/Senatorial, Congressional, Presidential and NROTC nominations/College Re-applicant
124)flying8764/DS/No LOA/Appt 3/3/3017/Accepted/IA-02/Congressional and NROTC nominations/college reapplicant
125)Mid21/DS/No LOA//Appt. 3-1-2017/Accepted/AZ-06/Congressional Nomination
126)navyproud2021/self/No LOA/Undecided/NY-10/Congressional Nom
127)Tibbs2021/ DS/No LOA/3-5/Accepted/ TX-9/congressional and NROTC nom/collage reapplicant
128)nolamomma/DD/No Loa/3-6-17/Accepted/LA-Richmond/Congressional and POTUS
129) LongHorn21/self/No LOA/Appt. 7 March 2017/Undecided/CA-30/Congressional Nomination
130)mrdolphin/self/No LOA/Appt 3/8/2017/ Plan to Accept/CA-25/Congressional Nomination/College Re-Applicant
131)TheAspiringWon/self/No LOA/Appt 3/8/2017/Undecided/CA-26/Congressional Nomination
132)MAC_Daddy/DS/No LOA/Appt. Dec. 7th, 2016/Accepted/NC-09 /Congressional Nomination
133)maxd950729/self/No LOA/Appt. March 9th, 2017/Accepted/MD-4 /Congressional, Presidential and JROTC Nomination
134)TheSiren/self /no LOA / Appt. Jan. 5, 2017 / Accepted / WY/ Presidential and Congressional Nomination
135)lowridinghobbit/self/no LOA/ Appt. March 13, 2017/ Accepted/ OH/ Senatorial Nomination
136)Acadmful/self/No LOA/ appt. March 14, 2017/Accepted/MI 11/ congressional nomination
137)Bryantboy83/DS/No LOA/Appt. March 14, 2017/Accepted/CT-02/Senatorial and Congressional Nomination
138)RINavyMom21/son/Apt-Nov/Accepted/RI/Senator-Congressioanl Nomination
139)USNAredrock/self/LOA/Appt Jan 5, 2017/Accepted/Utah-03/Congressional and senatorial nomination
140)Thamm819/self/no loa/appt 3/15/17. / Undecided / WI-01 / Principal congressional nom
141)NTWLF ONE/DS/No LOA/Appointment 3/15/17/Plan to accept/MO-2/Presidential and NROTC Nomination/College re-applicant
142)Markv13/Self/No Loa/Appointment 3/16/17/Plan to Accept/NC-09/Congressional and Senatorial Nomination
143)WVDAD2021/DS/No LOA/Appt. March 16,2017/Plan to Accept/ WV-01/Senator Joseph Manchin III
144)djf21/Self/LOA/Appointment 3/13/17/Accepted/MA-01/Congressional Nomination
145)usnavynurse/DS/No Loa/Appointment 3/15/17/Undecided/PA-09/Congressional -Shuster
146)Applicant21'/Self/LOA/Appointment 3/20/17/Accepted/NV-02/Senator Nominations
147) NPG23/Self/No LOA/ Appointment 1/04/17/Accepted/NY-19/Principal Congressional-Gibson
148)DBH29/DS/LOA /Appointment 3/20/17/Accepted/MD-05/Congressional nom

41) CTX34/Self/No LOA/App. Jan 3, 2o17/Accepted/TX-04/Congressional Nom
USNA Class of 2021 Appointments:

1) navyafgirl /(Self)/No LOA / Appt. Oct. 3, 2016 / Not Yet Accepted/ VA - POTUS / Presidential Nomination
2) Navymom2021/DS/No LOA/Appt. Oct.3, 2016/Accepted/VA - POTUS /Presidential Nomination
3) MCJROTC_is_cool/(Self)/No LOA/Appt. Oct. 3, 2016/Accepted/PA - POTUS/Presidential Nomination
4) Padre101/DS/No LOA/Appt. Oct. 24. 2016/Declined/VA-POTUS/Presidential Nomination
5) GregInMD/DD/LOA/Appt. Oct 24, 2016/Accepted/MD/Senator Nomination
6) Navyboy17/(Self)/No LOA/ Appt. Oct 27, 2016/Accepted/KS/Senator Nomination
7) Johnathan/DS/No LOA/Appt. Oct 28, 2016/Accepted/NC-4/JROTC Nomination
8) USNAhopeful21/(Self)/No LOA/ Appt. Oct. 3, 2016/Accepted/NC/JROTC Nomination
9) Nav21/(Self)/LOA/Appt. Oct. 28, 2016/Accepted/AL-POTUS/Presidential Nomination
10) FloridaToUSMA2021/(Self)/LOA/Appt. Dec. 1, 2016/Accepted/FL/Congressional Nomination
11) USNA2021_Dad/DS/No LOA/Appt. Dec. 3, 2016/Accepted/CO-06/Congressional
12) Sandra614/ DS/ No LOA/ Appt. Nov. 27, 2016/Not Yet Accepted/FL/Congressional
13) IRow2021/(Self)/ LOA/ Appt. Dec. 2, 2016/ Accepted/NC/JROTC Nomination
14) Schul542/ (self)/ LOA/ Appt. Dec. 7, 2016/ Not Yet Accepted/ IL/ Senator Nomination
15) Nosnow/DS/LOA/Appt. Dec.7, 2016/Accepted/AZ/Congressional Nomination
16) laxer98/(Self)/LOA/Appt. Dec. 7, 2016/Not Yet Accepted/MD/Congressional Nomination
17) tmanbrin / self / No LOA / Appt. Dec. 7, 2016 / Accepted / CO / Senator Nomination
18) Gonavy21/DS/LOA/Appt. Dec.7, 2016/ Accepted /GA/Congressional Nomination
19) Midgirl2021/DD/LOA/Appt. Dec.7,2016/Accepted/NY-03/Congressional Nomination
20) runxc8/Self/LOA/Appt. Nov. 23, 2016/Accepted/IN/Congressional Nomination
21) candidate1999/Self/LOA/Appt. Dec. 14, 2016/Plan to Accept/GA/Congressional Nomination
22) priscmcd/DS//LOA/Appt. Dec 14, 2016/Accepted/CA/Senator Nomination
23) Ohioman/(Self)/No LOA/ Appt. Dec 14, 2016/ Accepted/OH-14/Congressional Nomination
24) Ohio-USNA21/Self/No LOA/Appt. Dec 14, 2016/Accepted/OH/Congressional Nomination
25) Misnipe/DD/No LOA/Appt. 12/16/2016/Plan to Accept/MI-10/Congressional Nomination
26) mvgerdes/Self/LOA/Appt. Dec. 7, 2016/Accepted/TX/Congressional Nomination
27) VADad23/DD/LOA/Nov 28, 2016/ Plan to Accept/VA/Congressional Nomination
28) ClarkRogers/DS/LOA/10-27-2016/Plan to Accept/TN-03/Congressional Nomination
29) BReilly2017/(self)/No LoA/12-20-2016/Plan on Accepting/NJ-Congressman/Congressional Nomination
30) navyg21/Self/No LOA/Appt. Dec. 19, 2016/Plan to Accept/NH/Senator Nomination
31) mpk19/DS/LOA/ 12-02-2016/Accepted/NJ-07/Congressional Nomination
32) mdub71/DS/No LOA/Appt 12-23-2016/Accepted/CA-48/Congressional Nomination (11-28-2016)
33) navydad21/DD/No LOA/Appt. 12-16-2016/Accepted/WA/Congressional Nomination
34) USNA2021Dad/DS/LOA/Appt. 12-16-2016/Accepted/GA/Congressional Nomination
35) batsirk/DD/LOA/appt. 12-29-16/Plan to Accept/PA-06/Presidential,Congressional Nomination
36) Sam2018/DS/No LOA/Appt 12-29-16/Undecided/TX-04/Congressional Nomination
37) Hooyah2021/DS/LOA/Appt. 12-22-16/Accepted/CA-39/Senator Nomination
38) seaninsc/self/LOA/1-2-17/Plan to Accept/CA-49/Congressional Nomination
39) USNA_Mom _2021/DS/Appt. Nov 2016/Accepted/WI-8/Congressional Nomination
40) N3532C/DD/LOA/Appt. 1-4-2017/Not Yet Accepted/WI-6/Congressional Nomination
41) CTX34/self/No LOA/Appt. 1-3-2017/Accepted/TX-04/Congressional Nomination
42) Newport1965/DD/LOA/Appt. 1-4-2017/Accepted/OH-15/Congressional Nomination
43) 697biling/Self/LOA/Appt. January 4, 2017/Accepted/NC-06/Congressional Nomination
44) PackersRule4/self/No LOA/Appt. January 4th, 2017/Accepted/ PA-09/Congressional and Senatorial Nomination
45) Bennington1/DS/No LOA/Appt. 1-3-2017/Plan to Accept/IN-05/Senatorial and Congressional Nomination
46) servicekid21/self/No LOA/Appt. January 4th, 2017/Plan to Accept/ PA-11/Congressional and Presidential Nomination
47) hanbanero/self/no LOA/Appt. 1.3.17/Not yet accepted/WA-10/Congressional and Presidential Nomination
48) nap11/self/no LOA/ Appt. 1-10-17/Will Accept/FL-25/ Congressional and Senatorial Nomination
49) hogiewonkanobe/DS/no LOA / Appt. 1-9-17/ Plan to Accept / KY-02 / Congressional Nomination
50) blueplate99/self/No LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/Accepted/ CA-03/Congressional Nomination
51) April75/DD/LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/Accepted/ AZ-04/Congressional Nomination
52) AZSunDevil/DS/No LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/Accepted/AZ-08/Congressional and Senatorial Nomination
53) promethium/self/LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/Plan to Accept/PA/Congressional Nomination
54) Go_Navy/DS/No LOA/Appt. Jan 13, 2017/Plan to Accept/CA-POTUS/Presidential Nomination
55) OrionDad/DD/no LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/Declined/MI/Congressional Nomination
56) Gonavy2021/self/LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/Accepted/TX-20/Congressional Nomination
57) NoPhlyZone#215/self/No LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/Accepted/PA-02/Congressional Nomination
58) coas/DS/no LOA/Appt. Jan 12th, 2017/Accepted/TX-12/Congressional Principal Nomination
59) MidwestSailor20121/DS/No LOA/Appt. Jan 13th, 2017/Accepted/IA/Senatorial and Presidential Nomination
60) lusadi/self/LOA/Appt. January 18th, 2017/ Planning to Accept/ NJ - 7 / Congressional Nomination
61) Yangtze0119/DS/No LOA/Appt. January 19th, 2017/Accepted/VA-10/Senatorial Nomination
62) ssc6789/(self)/no LOA/Appt. Jan 19th, 2017/Accepted/CA-38/Congressional Nomination
63) SlimJim2021/Self/No LOA/Appt. Jan. 19, 2017/Accepted/SC/Senator Nomination
64) vmiwifeandmom/DS/No LOA/Appt. January 19th, 2017/Accepted/CA-26/Congressional and Presidential Nomination
65) Maine2Mid2021/(Self)/LOA/Appt. Jan. 19, 2017/Accepted/ ME/ Congressional Nomination (District ME02)
66) lizzy704/self/No LOA/Appt. Jan. 19th, 2017/Accepted/ CA-06/ Congressional and Senatorial nomination
67) CA_USNA_Dad/DD/LOA/Appt. Jan. 25, 2017/Accepted/CA-17/Congressional and Senatorial nominations
68) blueandgoldmom/DD/LOA/Appt. 1/25/17/Accepted/CA19/Congressional Nomination
69) grahamtorr65/DS/Appt. 01/25/17/ Plan to Accept / MI-02 / Congressional & Senatorial nominations
70) janglin5/Self/LOA/Appt. January 25th, 2017/Accepted/WA-03/Congressional Nomination
71) FPMOM/DD/No LOA/appt January 25,2017/Undecided/presidential nomination
72) aegisFC/self/No LOA/appt January 28, 2017/ Accepted/ SECNAV nomination
73) Usnacandidate2021/self/No LOA/appt January 27, 2017/ Accepted /GA-01/Congressional Nomination
74) EfusaurusRex/self/No LOA/appt Feb. 1, 2017/Declined/MS-04/congressional
75) LPOParent/DS/ LOA/appt Jan 25, 2017/Accepted/CA-31/congressional
76) momofmod/DS/LOA/Jan 21/Accepted/CT-05 /Sen & Cong
77) Psalm91.11/DS/No LOA/appt February 1, 2017/Plan to Accept/WY/Congressional and Senatorial nominations
78) Knights21/self/No LOA/February 1,2017/Accepted/NE-02/Congressional & Senatorial Nomination
79) Bluesky/DS/ LOA/Appt. Jan 12, 2017/Accepted/PA-04/congressional
80) 20USNA21/self/No LOA/Appt. February 1, 2017/Accepted/FL-17/congressional
81) peaslet/DS/LOA/appt. February 1st, 2017/Undecided/TX-23/Congressional/JROTC/Presidential
82) Norfolk63/DS/College Re-Applicant/Appointment Feb 3/Accepted/FL-08/Senatorial, Congressional, & NROTC Nominations
83) Navy1988/DS/No Loa/Appt Feb 1, 2017/Undecided/OH-13/Congressional
84)Bip/Self/No LOA/Appt. Jan 12, 1017/Not Yet Accepted/LA/Congressional Nomination
85) Happy2BaNavyMom/DS/No LOA/Appt. February 6, 2017/Accepted/CA-22/Congressional Nomination
86) beth4kids/DD/LOA/app.2/7/17/Plan to Accept/ NJ-04/Congressional Nom
87) karebear/self/No LOA/ Appointment 2/7/17/Declined/ IL-11/ Senatorial Nomination
88) prj888/self/No LOA/ Appt. 2/7/17/ Accepted/ AZ-05/ Congressional, Senatorial, & NROTC Nominations/ College Re- Applicant
89) Momusna2020hopeful/DD/No LOA/Appointment 1/27/17/Accepted/OH-12/Congressional Nomination/College Re-applicant
90)ADK2017/DS/no loa/appt Jan 13,2017/Not Yet Accepted/NY-21/Congressional Nom
91)Desw2/self/No LOA/ Appt 2/9/17/ Undecided / NY - 10/ Congressional
92) navy4040/self/LOA/ Appointment 2/7/17/Accepted/ IL-03/ Congressional Nomination
93)NotCollege/self/No LOA/Appointment 2/10/17/Undecided/VA-09/Congressional and Senatorial
94)usmc_hopeful941/self/LOA/Appointment 1/25/2027/Accepted/FL-09/Congressional and NJROTC
95)M60MG/DS/No LOA/Appointment 1/12/2017/Accepted/Sen 1&2 and MS-1
96)helmsdown/DD/No LOA/app. Feb 13, 2017/Accepted/ NJ-12/Congressional Nom
97)firehawk1/DS/No LOA/Appt. 2-12-17/Plan to Accept/CO-04/Congressional Nom/College Re-Applicant
98) Fuss/self/No LOA/ Appt. Feb 15/Will decline/NV-04/Congressional nomination
99) NavyDadDD2021/DD/No LOA/Appointment Feb 15/Plan to Accept/MA-06/Congressional and 2 Senate Nomsp
100) Navyfamily/DS/No LOA/Appointment Feb 15/Undecided/AL-05/Presidential, Senatorial, Congressional
101) YachtRock / DS / No LOA/ Appt. Feb 15, 2017 / Declined / NH-01 / Senatorial Nominations (Shaheen and Ayotte)
102)gonavyusna / Self / LOA Feb. 3, 2017 / Appt. Feb. 15, 2017 / Not Yet Accepted / WA-06/ Senatorial, Congressional, NJROTC, and Pres.
103)GoBigRed88/DS/No LOA/Appt. Feb 15, 2017/Accepted/ME/Senatorial and NROTC nom/College re-applicant
104)Sealegs/DS/No LOA/Appt. Feb 01, 2017/Accepted/ID/Deceased or Disabled Veteran Nom, Sen. Risch, Sen. Crapo, and Con. Simpson
105)DawgYard/DD/No LOA/Appt. 12-05-2016/Waiting on Status/GA-08/Congressional Nomination
106)daoliver/Self/No LOA/Appt. Feb. 21, 2017/Plan to Accept/FL - 06/Congressional, NJROTC Nominations
107)Skippers/DS/No LOA/Appt. 02/22/2017/Not yet accepted/MA-08/Congressional Nomination; Presidential Nomination
108)Elnavy/DD/LOA/Appt.02/22/2017/Accepted/MA-08/Senatorial Nomination
109) T.Valiant/DS/No LOA/Appt. 02/22/17/Will Accept/GA-06/Senatorial, Congressional, & NROTC Nominations/College Re-Applicant
110) greekgrits/DS/No LOA/ Appt. 2/22/2017/ Accepted/AL-07/ Senatorial & Congressional Nomination
111) Navy2021/Self/No Loa/ Appt. 2/22/2017/ Accepted/CT-04/Senatorial, Congressional, NROTC Nominations/ College Re-Applicant
112)Navyhopeful563/DS/No Loa/Appt. 2/22/17/Accepted/Tx24/congressional,Presidential nomination
113)johnboat9/DS/No LOA/Appt. 2/22/17/Accepted/MO1/Senatorial, Congressional Nominations
114)waco001/DS/LOA/Appointment Feb 15th/Accepted/CT-03/Senatorial, Congressional
115)IdahoAF/Self/Appt. 2/24/17/Undecided/ID-02/Senatorial/Sen. Mike Crapo
116)GreenMountainPatriot/DD/No LOA/Appt.02/24/2017/Not Yet Accepted/VT-01/Congressional and (2)Senatorial Nominations
117) habakkuk15/ self / No LOA / Appt. 02/24/2017 / undecided / TN-08 / Representative, Senator, NROTC Noms / College Re-Applicant
118) Don21/ DD/ no LOA/ Appt 2/24/2017/ Accepted/ TX-02/ Congressional & Senatorial Nominations
119) USNA.hopeful/DS/LOA/ Appt 2/24/2017/ Accepted/ MN-03/Senate Nomination
120)17neparks/Self/LOA/Appt. March 1, 2017/Accepted/TN-3/Congressional Nomination
121) sandman92/DS/No LOA/Appt. 03/01/2017/Accepted/FL-04/Congressional and NROTC Nominations/College Re-Applicant
122)Wiiow99/DS/NoLOA/Appt.03/01/2017/Undecided/GA-08/Congressional and JROTC
123) Trigger/DS/No LOA/Appt. 03/01/2017/Accepted/GA-03/Senatorial, Congressional, Presidential and NROTC nominations/College Re-applicant
124)flying8764/DS/No LOA/Appt 3/3/3017/Accepted/IA-02/Congressional and NROTC nominations/college reapplicant
125)Mid21/DS/No LOA//Appt. 3-1-2017/Accepted/AZ-06/Congressional Nomination
126)navyproud2021/self/No LOA/Undecided/NY-10/Congressional Nom
127)Tibbs2021/ DS/No LOA/3-5/Accepted/ TX-9/congressional and NROTC nom/collage reapplicant
128)nolamomma/DD/No Loa/3-6-17/Accepted/LA-Richmond/Congressional and POTUS
129) LongHorn21/self/No LOA/Appt. 7 March 2017/Undecided/CA-30/Congressional Nomination
130)mrdolphin/self/No LOA/Appt 3/8/2017/ Plan to Accept/CA-25/Congressional Nomination/College Re-Applicant
131)TheAspiringWon/self/No LOA/Appt 3/8/2017/Undecided/CA-26/Congressional Nomination
132)MAC_Daddy/DS/No LOA/Appt. Dec. 7th, 2016/Accepted/NC-09 /Congressional Nomination
133)maxd950729/self/No LOA/Appt. March 9th, 2017/Accepted/MD-4 /Congressional, Presidential and JROTC Nomination
134)TheSiren/self /no LOA / Appt. Jan. 5, 2017 / Accepted / WY/ Presidential and Congressional Nomination
135)lowridinghobbit/self/no LOA/ Appt. March 13, 2017/ Accepted/ OH/ Senatorial Nomination
136)Acadmful/self/No LOA/ appt. March 14, 2017/Accepted/MI 11/ congressional nomination
137)Bryantboy83/DS/No LOA/Appt. March 14, 2017/Accepted/CT-02/Senatorial and Congressional Nomination
138)RINavyMom21/son/Apt-Nov/Accepted/RI/Senator-Congressioanl Nomination
139)USNAredrock/self/LOA/Appt Jan 5, 2017/Accepted/Utah-03/Congressional and senatorial nomination
140)Thamm819/self/no loa/appt 3/15/17. / Undecided / WI-01 / Principal congressional nom
141)NTWLF ONE/DS/No LOA/Appointment 3/15/17/Plan to accept/MO-2/Presidential and NROTC Nomination/College re-applicant
142)Markv13/Self/No Loa/Appointment 3/16/17/Plan to Accept/NC-09/Congressional and Senatorial Nomination
143)WVDAD2021/DS/No LOA/Appt. March 16,2017/Plan to Accept/ WV-01/Senator Joseph Manchin III
144)djf21/Self/LOA/Appointment 3/13/17/Accepted/MA-01/Congressional Nomination
145)usnavynurse/DS/No Loa/Appointment 3/15/17/Undecided/PA-09/Congressional -Shuster
146)Applicant21'/Self/LOA/Appointment 3/20/17/Accepted/NV-02/Senator Nominations
147) NPG23/Self/No LOA/ Appointment 1/04/17/Accepted/NY-19/Principal Congressional-Gibson
148)DBH29/DS/LOA /Appointment 3/20/17/Accepted/MD-05/Congressional nom

41) CTX34/Self/No LOA/App. Jan 3, 2o17/Accepted/TX-04/Congressional Nom
96)helmsdown/DD/No LOA/app. Feb 13, 2017/Accepted/ NJ-12/Congressional Nom
96)helmsdown/DD/No LOA/app. Feb 13, 2017/Accepted/ NJ-12/Congressional Nom

From helmsdown's DD

Going through medical waiver process. Have everything else(e.g. Nom, Physical, LOA). Been going through this since December but hopefully should have an answer soon.