Class of 2027 Waitlist

Still praying!! Any hopes of an extension? How's everyone else doing? Any finger nails left lol?
Based on Eagle's schedule, some of the swabs will be flying to Bermuda to start their week on Eagle. The other two groups of swabs will only go to stateside ports. Since you don't know yet which group your swab will be in, you'd want to make sure your child has a passport in hand before mid-July since the first group will fly to Bermuda ~22 July. Based on expected turnaround times and then the time to get it to your swab, you probably would want to expedite if you can't get an appointment til later May.

I suspect that if your swab was scheduled to be in the first group and did NOT have a passport, that they might swap him into one of the other weeks. I'm sure they wouldn't be the only one. But that would mean they would no longer be with their platoon at that point. Plus there is no guarantee that they would be given that opportunity to swap. I know that some swabs were swapped last year due to covid or other medical restrictions.
Where can we see the eagle schedule? Thank you
According to the email it says “continue tendering appointments to fill any vacancies) until at least June 2nd.” I’d assume this means they may still be slowly filling some gaps, but it might not truly close until a later date. I’d assume given the silence it’s probably near complete, or the people getting called may not be on this forum.
The wait list is for filling the last spots in the class, so they keep it open until they get enough acceptances to hit the goal for that year. If they choose twenty from the list and sixteen say yes they then have to send out four more. If they get back two more yeses they have to send out more and see how they go. And a Yes might get shot down in medical and then they have to send out another one. It's not like they know in advance how each will play out so they can't know when the class will fill and the wait list close. It's awful in a way, but it's better than No as long as you realize where you are in the process and that the chances are small. By now you can probably start turning to Plan B in your heart, but keep answering every unknown caller in case you hit the lottery. You never know even if you kind of know.
The wait list is for filling the last spots in the class, so they keep it open until they get enough acceptances to hit the goal for that year. If they choose twenty from the list and sixteen say yes they then have to send out four more. If they get back two more yeses they have to send out more and see how they go. And a Yes might get shot down in medical and then they have to send out another one. It's not like they know in advance how each will play out so they can't know when the class will fill and the wait list close. It's awful in a way, but it's better than No as long as you realize where you are in the process and that the chances are small. By now you can probably start turning to Plan B in your heart, but keep answering every unknown caller in case you hit the lottery. You never know even if you kind of know.
Great advice!
The wait list is for filling the last spots in the class, so they keep it open until they get enough acceptances to hit the goal for that year. If they choose twenty from the list and sixteen say yes they then have to send out four more. If they get back two more yeses they have to send out more and see how they go. And a Yes might get shot down in medical and then they have to send out another one. It's not like they know in advance how each will play out so they can't know when the class will fill and the wait list close. It's awful in a way, but it's better than No as long as you realize where you are in the process and that the chances are small. By now you can probably start turning to Plan B in your heart, but keep answering every unknown caller in case you hit the lottery. You never know even if you kind of know.
On our first visit to the Academy or tour group was guided by a cadet who was pulled fron the waitlist 5 days before Day One. She knew what she wanted and got her stuff together super quick. It is not over until that last Monday in June
We got an email saying that it's closed, but they wanted to put my DS on a short list just in case. We would know up until June 16. Unfortunately, my DS sustained an injury that is hindering his physical preparation for Swab Summer, so he had to (very sadly) decline this last offer. (We didn't want him to get accepted last minute and then get kicked out for not being able to perform physically in the beginning weeks.) BUT they encouraged him to apply for Early Action in July. So that's the plan!! Anyone have experience getting in on the second attempt? And when would they start making decisions for Early Action? He's planning on talking with the AO for every advantage going in this time around and would love any insights you have to offer.
We got an email saying that it's closed, but they wanted to put my DS on a short list just in case. We would know up until June 16. Unfortunately, my DS sustained an injury that is hindering his physical preparation for Swab Summer, so he had to (very sadly) decline this last offer. (We didn't want him to get accepted last minute and then get kicked out for not being able to perform physically in the beginning weeks.) BUT they encouraged him to apply for Early Action in July. So that's the plan!! Anyone have experience getting in on the second attempt? And when would they start making decisions for Early Action? He's planning on talking with the AO for every advantage going in this time around and would love any insights you have to offer.
Early Action applications are usually due 15 October. Decisions start coming out near the end of November or beginning of December (varies per year). All early action decisions are announced before Christmas, BUT that decision could include being rolled over into the Regular Admissions pool.
USCGA likes reapplicants. They like those who show that they really want to be at the Coast Guard Academy. If your son plans to apply, he should take classes during his freshman year which mimic the courses that 4/c cadets take at CGA. Maintain his fitness, show leadership, continue community service.
Early Action applications are usually due 15 October. Decisions start coming out near the end of November or beginning of December (varies per year). All early action decisions are announced before Christmas, BUT that decision could include being rolled over into the Regular Admissions pool.
USCGA likes reapplicants. They like those who show that they really want to be at the Coast Guard Academy. If your son plans to apply, he should take classes during his freshman year which mimic the courses that 4/c cadets take at CGA. Maintain his fitness, show leadership, continue community service.
Thanks so much! Is there a link where I can find the 4/c cadet courses?