CO Leak

I have been following this situation as well and, as a concerned parent of a prospective 2016 M/N, I'm not encouraged to counsel him to go to USMMA. He's been accepted at another SA and is waiting on word from a third. I like the options available to MMA grads but find these conditions and neglect a very negative factor in considering KP.
For what it's worth ... if your DS/DD really wants to attend the USMMA for what it offers, then do it (conditions be daxm'd) it's all part of the experience (deal with it). If they are not committed, then don't go. There is a 30% dropout between the entering class and graduation. If they aren't committed, they probably won't make it through. Applying because it's a Service Academy (and a free ride) is a bad idea.
For what it's worth ... if your DS/DD really wants to attend the USMMA for what it offers, then do it (conditions be daxm'd) it's all part of the experience (deal with it). If they are not committed, then don't go. There is a 30% dropout between the entering class and graduation. If they aren't committed, they probably won't make it through. Applying because it's a Service Academy (and a free ride) is a bad idea.

He's not applied bc of a free ride but bc he wants to service his country. With that, each of the SAs offer excellent paths to do so, it's disappointing to me to see KP be devalued, underfunded and ill maintained. I don't think the M\N should have to deal w/ such safety hazards.
Best Advice we received

I understand your concerns. However I think the best advice I received while we visited SAs last year was given by the people at the USMMA. They all told us that the decision should be your DS's. At the time I wondered about that, but the day our DS reported to Indoc I understood. Once he went through OHara Hall and ran out the other side, he was on his own. Over the months he has really matured and has taken on additional responsibilities. We are very pleased. Our DS was involved in the CO leak and was sent to the hospital. I agree that that wasn't a positive thing. However he emailed us and let us know that he was fine, and when we asked after this experience if he was happy with his choice of SA. He said yes, he made the right decision. Good Luck to your DS or DD in their decision!

The public records indicate 13 WS/WL/WG (blue collar) employees working in the department of maintenance and repair. The record also indicates 34 personnel of various types working in the department of physical education. Nothing against the physical education department but this should be a true indicator of areas of interest at the academy. In the repair section of the Coast Guard Academy there are 53! That school is about the same size with about the same enrollment. If the superintendent really cared about the safety of the students he would hire dozens more people to keep the place safe and improve the quality of life. Two or three token hires just won’t cut it.
Phil11 - I'm an USNA Grad and DS is KP 2013. I most strongly recommend KP over other SA's simply due to the options available at graduation. Additionally, the other SA's are trying to keep up with the big boy's, KP isn't. At heart, KP is a vocational school, your son will learn a trade that he can put to use the day after graduation. As was stressed to us when DS was applying, KP wants applicants whose primary reason for coming is to get their "License", not to be a Naval Aviator, even though that is an option on graduation. Let's say your son's only desire is to be a Naval Aviator and he selects USNA. Service selection comes around senior year and (pick one): 1) he is not physically qualified for Navy Air; 2) due to his class standing, all seats are taken before his turn to select; or 3) there is a Nuke Power draft and your son gets "drafted", to name a few. Now what are his options??? He will have options at KP that he will not have from any other SA.

As for the recent problems at KP, unlike Jasperdog's son, I am very fortunate my DS is at sea. We can only hope this has been a wake up call and we will see positive changes taking place.
I understand your concerns. However I think the best advice I received while we visited SAs last year was given by the people at the USMMA. They all told us that the decision should be your DS's. At the time I wondered about that, but the day our DS reported to Indoc I understood. Once he went through OHara Hall and ran out the other side, he was on his own. Over the months he has really matured and has taken on additional responsibilities. We are very pleased. Our DS was involved in the CO leak and was sent to the hospital. I agree that that wasn't a positive thing. However he emailed us and let us know that he was fine, and when we asked after this experience if he was happy with his choice of SA. He said yes, he made the right decision. Good Luck to your DS or DD in their decision!
Mum, thanks and totally agree that it's their choice. I do want to encourage my DS to visit to the schools for another look before he decides. I definitely liked KP when we visited and the options. I'm glad to hear your DS is ok and feels KP is the right place.
Internet been down for 2 days. M/N riots. Online HW and projects deadlines missed. Dinner was awful tonight.
no idea when internet will return. Rumor has it we will have to be hooked up with dial up internet until further notice. No power in Samuels hall, classes in Bowditch learning by sunlight.
I am sitting in my den contemplating life. Last evening, our DS and two of his Class of 2012 Classmates arrived to spend the 3 day weekend here. What they have planned, I don't really know. They are all Third Company and Barry Hall Residents, two including our DS were directly involved in the "CO Incident", as in they were sent to off campus hospitals and treated for CO inhalation, the third was off campus but when he returned to KP and his room that Sunday Evening, he was one of the midshipmen who noted the smell, etc. As of today all seem to have accepted the current condition of the Academy and are focused on driving towards graduation and their careers, which for now for all three, appear to be directed towards and through the "maritime industry." They all would love to "sail on and upgrade their license" and again are focused on making that happen. I heard some of their hopes and aspirations and concerns, though mostly hopes and aspirations, over a couple of beers, here in this same den last evening.

Earlier this week I spoke to a couple of my own Classmates who even though we left KP together just under 30 years ago we stick together, and work actively to help and support each other, despite the geographic divides between ourselves. You see one of us is right now "going through a rough time" - we all have those as we all know.

My musings this morning are fourfold:

1) How best, as an active alumni and parent of a member of the Class of 2012, can I help these great products of a great institution - USMMA - get off to an even better start to their lives ahead in June 2012, then I got 30 years ago?

2) How fortunate I was to have had the opportunity to go to USMMA and develop the friendships and support network that I know I and my Classmates enjoy even today. Also, I'm pretty confident after what I saw and heard last night, each of our children whose sons and daughters are in the Class of 2012, will also have a similar, though younger support network as they go through life.

3) What a great group of young men and women, and future leaders, the entire Regiment of Midshipmen at the USMMA is today and how despite any impediments and challenges they are dealing with or will have to deal with I'm confident they will remain focused and driven "to the goal."

and 4) They (the current Regiment of Midshipmen) deserve better and in this era when a single Joint Strike Fighter costs more than the entire annual budget (both operating and capital) of the USMMA, there's really no reason it cannot or should not happen.
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Amen brother,

Your post speaks to much more than the CO incident. I'd start a new post.
If the superintendent really cared about the safety of the students he would hire dozens more people to keep the place safe and improve the quality of life. Two or three token hires just won’t cut it.

Lots of folks here seem to forget that as a Federal insitution (non-NAFI), KP relies on the budget it receives from Congress each year. To think that the Superintendent can just go hire dozens of civil servants at a whim reflects a gross ignorance of the realities that the Superintendent has to deal with. Hiring civil servants is not cheap, where is that money going to come from? Hiring contractors is not cheap either. There is also red tape that will float down from OPM, DOT, MARARD way before a single hiring action could occur, no fault of the Superintendent. My bottom line is everyone wants to blame and thinks a finger snap can solve it all. If there is a genuine desire to fix the root problems people need to get educated on how the Federal budget works, the fiscal and manpower laws that bound Federal agencies, etc. Once you realize how far down the rabbit hole things really go you will stop wasting time blaming the wrong people. Put it this way, recently listened to 4-star Navy Admiral who explained that in everyones mind "he's in charge" when in reality the power he actually has is akin to trying to steer an aircraft carrier by dipping your hand in the water. I've said this before, people need to engage their Congress critters. That really is the best and I dare say only choice, especially given this fiscally lean times.
So basically you are saying it is My respnsibility as a plebe parent to get the minimum safe living conditions at KP by call my Senator? Why wasn't that in the Logging In Book? I would have done it. Now who is kicking the can down the street!
Neglecting safety and citing federal red tape sounds like a cop out.
Just my .02. ( that I would be happy to send if it would help)
maybe this should be on the national news instead of weather or not I can take birth control! Oh wait, we have been asked not to respond to the media and let the grown ups handle it!

Sorry, my knickers are in a knot today!
The end

We hosted my child and several friends for a meal over the weekend and just can’t believe what they said. Apparently there are two staff members who socialize with the midshipmen, provide them alcohol, and take advantage of them. This is Penn State and Sandusky without question. Right aboard the campus! Where is the FBI?! Although the two staff members are oriented in the minority the demographics of the academy mean they have plenty of targets. Will there even be a DOT investigation? A few of the others mentioned the availability of party drugs on campus in large quantities smuggled back from sea year which may also play into the unbelievable behavior of the staff. And that there are no room inspections, drug tests, or dogs in a federal academy was just stunning. How could this be unknown to everyone?
The CO issue, hot water, no leadership, sexual assaults. When will this end? Will the new superintendent do anything? Should the school even continue? None of this drama exists at our other child’s university. The combination of unethical, immoral, and illegal conduct on the part of what seems like every member of the staff and faculty – which when I calm down I just know is not true – means I can no longer support the academy or recommend attendance to anyone who cares for their child. We had some doubts as things went on but eventually our child mentioned they are interested in resigning and transferring to somewhere “less corrupt and dishonorable”. We are so relieved that this will be over soon. Even if it takes an additional year of schooling, loans, and family disruption just about anywhere has to be a more wholesome learning environment than the cesspool which has become of Kings Point.
This information is quite disturbing, My DS was recently offered an appointment to KP and we were very excited! Now I'm very nervous. What is the truth??
Whoa, time out zz, there is a lot of accusations in that post. Let me first off say I realize my post here is coming out of the other side of my face than my last post earlier this evening.

First off nothing on campus can be compared to the rape of children at Penn St. Our kids are no longer children.

Secondly I am confused about the minority demographic comment. Are you saying the perpetrators are female with lots of male targets? ( as in female staff are giving booze to the young men and seducing them? ). I think the drop out rate would be less if that were true :rolleyes:
Or, are you saying the evil doers are gay and thus jumping to the conclusion that every gay person is out to seduce a straight person?
Or did I completely miss your meaning?

M/n bringing large quantities of party drugs from sea year? Sorry, not buying that one either. And that the staff is somehow paralyzed by the knowledge of this?
I also have a freshman at another University, a big one, and guess what? They drink, drug and have sex there, really. Not my son (:confused:) am sure but many do........or so I am told. ( yes it is always sunny in my world)

Drug tests randomly I can see. Room search? What is that whole inspection about then? It really isn't about rolled socks
is it? Well there is a wasted opportunity.
Dogs? Really?

If your post is for real and you really believe all this I am sorry for being so snarky sounding but wonder if a good "get a hold of yourself" shoulder shake is in order here......go ahead, I'll wait..........better?
Seriously what are the facts here?
It sounds like someone really wants to leave that campus for a regular college where there is more respect and clean living........right.
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KP is not perfect and neither are any of the other SA's. As parents, we are taking a risk when we send our kids off to college hoping we've instilled the values and maturity which will keep them safe, out of trouble and able to stand up to peer pressure. With the SA's, we expect a higher level of leadership and guidance to be provided to our DD's and DS's as well as less opportunities available for them to get in trouble. Unfortunately, and as I've said many times before, it's the leadership which is missing from this equation. What are the duties and responsibilities of the Company Officers? These are the individuals who should directly oversee the daily activities of the mids. Are they in anyway responsible for the material condition of their own company spaces? My (2013) DS's CO doesn't even know his name (how's that for staying under the radar!). KP finally got a true leader as Supe, who had a vision and a plan to get there, and he gets fired as soon as he runs afoul the LGBT movement. To right this ship it's going to take some one who doesn't mind swimming up stream and is able to navigate the political mine field which has become so apparent in government, especially in the current (Obama) administration. Finding someone of this caliber is going to be extermely difficult knowing what happened to their predecessor. I can only hope the new Commandant starts cleaning house and brings KP back to standard we as parents would like to see.

That being said, I am still happy my DS is attending KP and continue to highly recommend KP to anyone who'll listen. It isn't a rose garden, but it's pretty damn good.
The CO leak at KP is a big deal - no doubt about it! The incident needs to be continued to heralded to assure the safety of the Mids, as well to drive forward the goal of making KP a "Jewel" in opposition to it's present "Diamond in the rough" status.

Like Jasperdog, I too just hosted my Son and 3 of his friends at our home. Truth be told, there were a few more beers consumed than usual amount -owing to the fact that it was my son's 21st birthday.

After the weekend was over, both my wife and I were struck by how easy it had been to host these four grown men in our home! It was interesting to observe how Kings Point has shaped them. They were constantly together in our little house - no complaining, no conflicts, just an overwhelming ease with each other. None of their stuff was strewn about, all was kept orderly. They worked together. They cleaned up after themselves. Told great sea stories. When my wife tried to fix our juicer, they all reacted in unison, with the the same command voice, "Unplug it"! Then all four of 'em pulled it apart (Engineers!).

You could tell by their interactions that a bond has formed that will carry them the rest of their lives! A level of devotion that only comes from the winnowing process that has brought them from their respective high schools to what is now their Jr. Year at KP. They are all 2 CO (Shared the old 2 CO dorm experience- rundown, no a/c., no heat) all atheletes (3 football, 1 soccer), all engine, all shipyard management majors, and all excited about the future!

With all of the issues facing Kings Point: Management, structural, and budget - this weekend reminded me of how truly blessed we are to have our son at KP.