Hello, I’m a reapplying this year to USAFA and I was wondering if anybody had some insight on how admissions views college applications. My life consist of school, a internship, work, sports, and volunteering and I believe I’m competitive in every aspect except academics. I have a 26 ACT which is extremely low and why I chose to go to college this year I’m hopes of another shot at an appointment. I have maintained a 4.0 g.p.a in college this year, but because of my college classes taken in high school I have a 3.62 g.p.a. My scores on the ACT were the following: science 30, reading 30, English 23, math 22. I decided to focus on English and Math in college and have taken ENG 100/200H, Chemistry, College Algebra, pre-calculus, and mechanical computations. I am wondering if this will help me with a possible appointment or a prep school. If anybody has any advice, concerns, questions, or knowledge please let me know what you think!