Color blindness


5-Year Member
Oct 14, 2009
New poster, been lurking for a while. Wanting to see if this has happened before.

Son went to AIM this summer. Around first of Sept, received a LOA from USCGA. He finished the requested writtings/letters, went and had physical completed. Letter came back a few days ago and requested he return for the FLALANT test. Seems there was an issue with the little dots test (named after a doctor from Japan, can't spell it, please forgive me).

Question, what has been the success rate for the second testing? Is it if you fail one, you fail both? Does the little dots test show more detail? Any advice here would be great. He is working on getting the second test done soon.

If he does not pass the FLALANT test, is all hope gone for USCGA? Other SA's? I'm tring to get him preped in case the worst happens. It would be a shame if it's a no-go for the USCGA, but what's ment to be will be I guess.
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Direct from the USCGA website:

"Candidates who fail the American Optical Company PIP test shall be considered qualified if they pass the FALANT test."


The Ishihara Pseudoisochromatic Plate my nemesis.

I can't pass it. Fortunately for me, in 1977, if you couldn't pass that, then you had another test for USAFA and I passed that. I've also passed the FALANT test, for both the AF and FAA.

Nowadays...the AF is pretty picky: the "dots" or nothing unless it's been changed again and Mr. Mullen could answer that.

Again, Mr. Mullen would be the DODMERB expert for ANY question you have. What I was told years ago by my eye doc is this, loosely explained: about 9% of males have a color "deficiency." And there's NOTHING you can do to "fix" this, you have it or you do not. If you do, you won't pass the PIP test. That's where the others come in. "They" need to determine that you are not "color blind" or so impaired as to not be able to perform the military mission due to the color deficiency.

I was totally surprised when I didn't pass the PIP test as I never knew I had a "deficiency" in color. Fortunately it's very mild and I'm fine. I wish your son the very best with the FALANT.

I will be working tonight; Fri night, and Sat night.

"If" you've sent your posting to me already, I will answer very late tonight. If you have, make sure you've included your son's full name and last 4 of SSN. Send to I can assist you better from there. If you haven't sent this, pls send.:thumb: