concerned dad 60% combat branching for women

For my DD she is excited about the possibilities of that happening. Dear dad not so excited but whatever she wants I support. Anyways just curious if anybody else knows more about this.
If the rate IS 60% would it dissuade you from supporting her to pursue an appointment to West Point?
I believe he answered this.
Hawk, thank you for your response. So it seems what recruiter said is correct about how females will be branching. Im not from a military family or background. I spent three years in the national guards 34 years ago so if my knowledge on terms is off please excuse my lack of combat terms to those that it seems to matter. To the rest that responded thank you for getting my point. Even though it seems more women will be branching lets just say infantry. It will not change in my support for my daughter. As Stevewar2 put it I will worry and I will fret for this is my daughter, my little girl and always will be. This has been her goal since the 9th grade and I will do everything I can to help her get there.