Hate to be bearer of bad news, but you might be incorrect with your thesis in several ways. Sen Burr did the same thing, However he had 3 different sites at the same venue. When DS checked in there only 20 names on the sign in list, only later through 2 other people on this site did we learn that they interviewed at a different site.
Also remember, foundation candidates may do a phone call interview since they are not local
Finally, NY is very competitive, unlike NC, or at least ly, NY only gave out 1 nom per applicant. IE get Schumer...don't get Hillary or MOC....maybe totally wrong, but I definetely recall candidates and parents discussing this...I will try to find the link.
Getting interviewed can be just the last check mark, and I hope it is, but I believe in realism (scared me last yr, but I thank JAM, Antoinette, Luigi etc for splashing the cold water on my face)
Good luck and remember being invited to interview speaks volumes