DoDMerb Concussion


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Aug 11, 2009
I had a concussion almost 6 years ago now and have not had one since. I sent in my information that they asked about and now they want me to send it again? Is it just me or am I running in circles for them? Also I think about all the sports players that have enlisted so many must have had multiple concussions. How am I getting such a hard time?


No, you're not running in circles for them. The "I'm not a doctor" answer here is that they NEED to know everything about you medically and when you're talking about a brain injury (yes, a concussion is that) then folks get a bit more interested.

The BEST source here; in fact the only TRUE source, would be Mr. Larry Mullen. If you have specific questions/concerns, you should contact him directly via the board information he has posted in the "sticky" area.

He's been an amazing asset here and is totally into helping!!!

The answer is that when you check yes to certain items, there are automatic questionnaires that are generated.

You check yes to allergies, even though you put a detailed description on the medical history form, DoDMERB will still send you an allergy questionnaire. The same holds true for the head injury. No one is picking on you.
npisani89 - If you cut and paste your posting; provide your full names and last 4 SSN; and send to me, I can assist you privately, as the issues pertain to you. Standing by to assist:thumb: