We used DodMERB Consultants over a year ago, and I highly recommend Dr. Merchant. Back to an earlier post, I can assure you Dr. Merchant is not getting rich off of this service; his fees are very reasonable and don't come anywhere close to compensating him for his time. In my case, I became concerned after DD submitted the DoDMERB forms that we had raised a red flag with an asthma diagnosis from childhood. I contacted Dr. Merchant who was able to help us get ahead of the DQ's that were coming. This is a stressful time. My DD had an LOA in hand in September; I was not going to risk a medical DQ killing her dreams if there was any way to prevent it. As a civilian with absolutely no military or medical knowledge, I felt out of my league. Dr. Merchant helped me anticipate what was coming next and figure out what our next steps were.
If you have experience in the military, a medical background, or if your medical history is 100% clean, then you probably do not need his services. If you have any concerns regarding medical history or something turns up during the DoDMERB process, contact him for a consultation.
He is a busy man, and at times there are delays in communication, but he saw us through the process giving excellent advice along the way. My DD received waivers to all 3 academies she applied to. Would she have received them without his services? Maybe. But it was worth the peace of mind to me knowing I had done all I could to help DD.[/QUOTE
Thanks Partyof5--Is a sixteen day "delay in communication" in line with your experience? We retained the firm and have not received a reply to voice mails or emails since paying the fee.