
Dec 8, 2018
I'm showing a DQ and pending waiver, but it says I was DQ for cholesteatoma and myopia. The myopia i expected, the cholesteatoma I never even thought about because I was about 12 years old and it was a misdiagnosis. I had a CT or MRI done at a MTF , their radiologist thought I may have a cholesteatoma and then was referred to the Children's hospital nearby to see a specialist who confirmed that I did not have a cholesteatoma but did have a lot of fluid and needed another tube in my ear. Have been fine since. I think the allergist I was seeing at the time at the MTF worded it in her chart as if I was actually diagnosed with a cholesteatoma. What can I do about the misdiagnosis if it says single disqualification and says "pending waiver submission/review"? Will I still be able to submit any info I get from the children's hospital or do a rebuttal? If anyone has dealt with a similar situation and has any advice I'd appreciate it.
Read the associated entry in DODI 6130.03 for both conditions-- this is the DOD instruction that lists all DQ conditions for entry into the military. This should give you a good idea of what might be triggering the cholesteatoma "diagnosis" (for some things they list symptoms that would be indicative of an undiagnosed DQ'ing condition-- make sense if you think about it). I think you are on-the-money with your suspicion. The allergist incorrectly assumed you had a cholesteatoma diagnosis in your past and rolled with it. The DODMERB reviewers probably saw that and check the box for that diagnosis, assuming you did not understand that you had received the diagnosis in the past.

If it is a true misdiagnosis, then you will need to submit either a rebuttal (including a 2nd or 3rd opinion from a specialist that shows you are clear), or a waiver. Cholesteatoma is a pretty unmistakable condition, so it should not be hard to get an ENT to clear you if you do not have it.

The rebuttal/re-diagnosis route is what I had to do a long time ago for my DODMERB. I recall it being a little faster than a waiver, and not as big a deal.

The key is to go ahead and get ahead of it to avoid any delays-- go see an ENT, explain the situation, and explain that you need them to clear you of cholesteatoma in no uncertain terms if it does not exist.
Thanks Tbpxece. I am faxing the request to the hospital I was seen at when there was a question of the cholesteatoma. I was required to see an ENT previously for a remedial and was cleared from them. I will likely try to schedule an appt with ENT at the MTF here and see if they can submit something specifically about that. Thanks for your input!