Dodmerb dqs


Oct 18, 2015
Hello everyone!
I have been disqualified by DoDMBERB for a patellar dislocation and the use of orthokeratology lenses. On Dodmerb's website, it says that my status is "does not meet medical standards" instead of "pending medical waiver". Does this mean that I am absolutely not going to have a chance at getting a medical waiver for my medical dqs? My patellar dislocation was a one time occurrence and I have not had an incident since it happened (about 3 years ago). I have not had complications since. Secondly, I use orthokeratology to correct my myopia and the effects are completely reversible after I remove the contacts. Do I have a chance of getting waivers for both these problems?
I have completed everything else in the application process and have received a congressional nomination from my MOC. This is the last thing that needs to be taken care of.

usafah -- DoDMERB does not determine medical waivers. Each ROTC and/or SA admissions medical authority determines whether a waiver to a DQ condition can or will be granted. For instance, the medical waiver authority at USAFA is the USAFA Surgeon General. At USMA and USNA it is the Superintendent and he/she is advised by the USMA / USNA medical staff. For AFROTC the medical waiver authority is the AETC Surgeon General. For AROTC it is the Commanding General, Cadet Command as advised by the AROTC HQ Command Surgeon, NROTC and USMC ROTC have their quirks as well, so you can see it can get complicated. Some medical authorities are very strict, while others are more reasonable.

What is on your DoDMERB file may mean these items are unwaiverable, but it is likely that it means no one has put you forward for a waiver yet.

I assume you are applying to USAFA? I would contact your SA admissions POC and ask if they plan to put you forward for a medical waiver. Most SAs won't put you forward for a medical waiver to their medical authority unless they believe you are very competitive to receive an appointment.

If you are applying for an ROTC scholarship, the ROTCs won't ask about your medical status until after you've been selected for a national scholarship. If you are DQ, and you've been awarded a 4 or 3 yr national scholarship, then they will pursue a waiver with their ROTC medical authorities.

Best wishes and thank you for being willing to serve.
usafah --

I assume you are applying to USAFA? I would contact your SA admissions POC and ask if they plan to put you forward for a medical waiver. Most SAs won't put you forward for a medical waiver to their medical authority unless they believe you are very competitive to receive an appointment.


Thank you for your reply! I am indeed applying to USAFA. What does POC stand for?
POC = Point of Contact -- Your USAFA portal should give the name, phone and email of your USAFA admissions POC
I have personal knowledge of USAFA waivering a one-time knee subluxation, for what it's worth. I hope by this point you have progressed through the waiver process.
I know it’s hard, try to relax. My son was awarded a ROTC US Army scholarship, was DQ’d by DoDMERB but was granted a waiver by Cadet Command. Again, I know it’s hard but let the process take its course.
You are lucky you got that waiver really fast! Hope have your luck. I am going AFROTC. I hope you enjoy your time at USAFA!
You are lucky you got that waiver really fast! Hope have your luck. I am going AFROTC. I hope you enjoy your time at USAFA!
Thank you! And congratulations on the ROTC! It's a great route to go as well. I am also looking at AFROTC if I don't receive an appointment.