DoDMERB hates me


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Nov 17, 2008
Does anyone else feel like DoDMERB is just working against them?

I have now been disqualified by them for everything I have applied for except AFROTC. I have waivers from USAFA and USNA so I'm fine there, but they continue to dq me (for a badly diagnosed injury i must add), and it's just pissing me off because it feels personal now. They finally dq'd me for NROTC a week after I was offered the scholarship.

They said it was because of "history of a head injury" which is ridiculously broad. It could mean I have serious brain damage or something crazy like that, but really I just broke a bone in my face. I've never even had a concussion!

calling shenannegans,
Hi there Geoff:

Sensing some frustration in your post there ;)

Actually I'm not completely understanding it either. You say you have waivers for USAFA and USNA which means you have your medical clearance for there correct? The first step in Dodmerb's function is only to say yes/no on whether you have ever had any of the conditions on that long list of disqualifying conditions. If you have ever had any - or if it meets the particular criteria for that item- then they HAVE to DQ you. It doesn't mean you are ulitmately DQ'd it just means you have to go through the waiver process. The first DQ probably should have another "name" put on it because really all it does is divert you to that waiver process as opposed to actually disqualifying you. You MAY be disqualified but that is far from the end of the road.

I'm not saying it's a wonderful system or defending it. But- I feel like I understand that much of it at this point. If you have a scholarship don't cave in because of the beauracracy of Dodmerb. There are some great people who are trying to help out. Contact Larry Mullen- I know it may sound like a broken record on this board but there is a reason for that. He is "uber-duber" helpful. You will not regret it.

Best of luck and hang in there-
It's not really that I'm worried about the dq anymore. I've gotten waivers from the two I really wanted in the first place. Now it's just frustrating to keep opening my mail from DoDMERB, and seeing another thing I'm not qualified for.

Actually, I didn't know that was all DoDMERB was screening for. I thought they were taking me out because they had deemed that this injury really could be serious (which it's not). If all they're doing is looking for past injuries, then their decisions seem much more reasonable.

I might get jumped on for oversimpifying it but that is it in a nutshell. And you are right there is a huge range in "head injury". Mr. Mullen more than likely will get on here and ask for your info. If he does give it to him and he can many times help you through a lot of the red tape. Highly recommended :)

It is hard to not take it personally after you read letter after letter but don't. It just is what it is. Trust me- you are sailing through compared to some of us- lol :rolleyes:

Hi Geoff,

Until a couple weeks ago, I too was in your position. I can show you my stack of remedial letters and DQ letters to prove it. Every time I responded to a remedial, I got another remedial or disqualified. It was really, really frustrating.

On top my stack of letters is a Qualified letter. There's about a dozen emails with Mr. Mullen that went into that letter. Basically, Mr. Mullen walked me through what it would take to get the DQ removed. His goal (and DoDMERB's goal) is actually not to disqualify you or make your life horrible (as accurate as that seems right now). They want to qualify you if they possibly can.

Sometimes all they need is a little more information. Like kgrmom said, the best thing for you to do is contact Mr. Mullen at DoDMERB. His contact information is posted in a sticky at the top of this forum. Explain your situation to him (you can probably leave out the part about hating DoDMERB) and by this time tomorrow, I can almost guarantee he will have responded to you and you'll know exactly what is going on and what your game plan should be. Mr. Mullen appears to have made it his personal crusade to help applicants through the DoDMERB process.

Try not to get discouraged. I guarantee the folks at DoDMERB aren't out to get you. This can be a really long process. You know what you want. Think of DoDMERB as just another obstacle to get over. Hang in there. Good luck.
My response was terminated by a connectvity loss. I will reconstruct late tonight for everyone's benefit. The short answer is, I just spoke with Geoff and his dad. Rest assured, he knows beyond a shadow of a doubt:

1) DoDMERB does NOT hate him
2) Why he received so many letters
3) Why he was determined to NOT meet medcial accession standards.

I can testify with 100% accuracy, that Geoff "felt the love" this morning:thumb::thumb:

Well, this post has gotten much more attention than I had anticipated. Larry Mullen actually made it his duty to call me before I left for class this morning, and took the time to clarify:

DoDMERB is NOT an evil government bureaucracy working against us. Their goal is to get people QUALIFIED to continue the process.

They are NOT the final deciding factor on a medical status. They are simply notifying the programs that we have applied to of any injuries, and letting them make the final say. Hence the reason I have waivers from USAFA and USNA.

Finally, it started to feel personal because the letter just kept coming instead of just telling me about all of them at once, but that's simply because they didn't receive the information that I was applying all those places at the same time, so they had to send out notifications at different times.

To all those in a similar position, DoDMERB is not working against, they are working for you. Don't get discouraged yet, because the final say comes from the academy/rotc program.

All apologies to DoDMERB personnel and much thanks to Mr. Mullen for clarifying all this. I recognize now that DoDMERB is on my side, and I apologize for the harsh words about an innocent group of people.

Given the reply be Geoff, I don't think I need to reconstruct my original message. Bast of ludk to him and all appicants. Again, I will answer any and all emails if you give me the opportunity:thumb:
Mr Mullen I resent an email to you just now.

Thank you in advance.
Ha, DoDMERB hated me too, and then I hated it back. We eventually worked out our differences, and now I no longer hate DoDMERB, and DoDMERB no longer hates me.

In all seriousness, the DoDMERB letters can be a little trying. The first time I got one, I was crushed, and read further in the letter and realize there is an appeal process. It's also harder to take when you don't realize that many other people go through the same thing....

Keep your head up, ask for help, and get through it. Read the whole letter before you feel like you've been punched in the stomach.
Hmmm? I'll take LineInTheSand's comments as a left-handed compliment:shake::smile:

I can assure each and everyone of you, we don't "hate" any applicant. Our Director on down to the last person in the organization, are dedicated into looking for ways to qualify as many applicants as we can and assist them in the various waiver processes to reach their goal. Regrettably, there will be a percentage of folks that will not be qualified or receive waivers. But I, as a reprsentative of th Director and staff, would not spend all the hour on nights, holidays, and weekends, if I hated anyone. Though we certainly do understand the frustration of some in trying to understand a process and organization they have little familiarity with. Hence, that's why I make myself available to any and all personnel at my email address below. As previously stated, I can only access the Forums at night and on the weekends becasue it is NOT a site endoresed by DoD.:thumb:
As an applicant, DoDMERB letters were "shocking", but because I had no idea they event existed. Is it fun to receive one? No. It's a needed step however, to make sure the most qualified people, who will be able to carry out their duties are accepted.

I have every DoDMERB letter I received, as well as the waiver letter. :wink:
Mr. Mullen,

I also have to say that I applaud DoDMERB for embracing Social/New Media. I know this is some uncomfortable ground for the Department of Defense, and federal government in general these days, but your posting, and providing a forum for applicants to interact with you, is great. Does DoDMERB maintain a website with "posting capabilities" too?
I am sorry. I don't mean this in a mean way at ALL...but I had to laugh when I saw the title of this thread! Good luck to you all!:shake: It is so easy to take things in the process personally when you are working so hard for the end result!
As an applicant, DoDMERB letters were "shocking", but because I had no idea they event existed. Is it fun to receive one? No. It's a needed step however, to make sure the most qualified people, who will be able to carry out their duties are accepted.

I have every DoDMERB letter I received, as well as the waiver letter. :wink:

Not to sound nosy, but, how many DoDMERB letters have you received? I got my second one this week.
My DoDMERB letters are from 2002. I don't remember the exact number...maybe three, some about the same thing. In the end, after those discouraging letters, I got the waiver, went to my Academy, graduated and got my commission.
The title of this thread certainly misstates the intentions and actions of me and our staff. I'd like to close it with this posting. The originator has already stated in the thread that he found out it was NOT the case.

Before I restate what I stated earlier, it is always encouraged that folks NOT put all their eggs in one basket. Therefore, most applicants apply for at least 2 programs and rarely, does DoDMERB get notified at the same time. So, its becomes like an accountant's ledger. When there's a status determination/change, we send a letter. NOT because we like sending letters or confusing the applicants, just to ensure we address all programs all the time.

1) If an applicant applied to 5 Academies and we were notified all on the same day...and the were determined to meet medical standards for all programs, DoDMERB would send 1 letter stating the status for all 5 programs.
2) If an applicant applies to 1 Academy (e.g. USAFA) and has trace protein in their urine, DoDMERB will send a remedial letter. The results come back and the applicant is determined to MEET medical standards. A month later, they apply to a AFROTC program, We'll send another letter confirming their MEETING medical standards. They then apply a month later to a Sea Service Academy (USMMA, USNA, and USCGA) and their color vision is deficient on the original exam, but not for the Air Force. DoDMERB will now send another letter to obtain an additional color vision test. Yada, yada, yada...hence, the reason in some cases, for numerous letters.

I can assure each and everyone of you, we don't "hate" any applicant. Our Director on down to the last person in the organization, are dedicated into looking for ways to qualify as many applicants as we can and assist them in the various waiver processes to reach their goal. Regrettably, there will be a percentage of folks that will not be qualified or receive waivers. But I, as a reprssentative of the Director and staff, would not spend all the hours on nights, holidays, and weekends, if I/we hated anyone. Though we certainly do understand the frustration of some in trying to understand a process and organization they have little familiarity with. Hence, that's why I make myself available to any and all personnel at my email address below. As previously stated, I can only access the Forums at night and on the weekends becasue it is NOT a site endorsed by DoD.
