DoDMERB results?


New Member
Oct 26, 2017
Hello, can anyone give me an estimate on how long it takes for all DoDMERB information to be processed and sent to an academy? Meaning, how long after taking the exam will the academy receive your results?
My examinations took two weeks to be processed and sent to DoDMERB, which happened on the dodmets website. I am currently waiting for my information to be reviewed by DoDMERB, which takes approximately 10-15 business days according to the dodmerb website. If you need a waiver or encounter any problems, you may wait longer than I have.
Hello, can anyone give me an estimate on how long it takes for all DoDMERB information to be processed and sent to an academy? Meaning, how long after taking the exam will the academy receive your results?
It took two (2) weeks after my exam before my paper work reached DODMERB. Shortly after (3 days), DODMERB reviewed my paperwork and requested remedial information, but they also updated the SA on the status of my application. The SA asked for a body fat test (passed) and to send a picture of my tattoo (within AF regs). Now, I am waiting on the MTF to send my AMI to DODMERB for review. All in all, it's been about a month since my initial exam--two weeks since DODMERB requested a remedial. If I do need a waiver, then it may take a month before I am notified of SA decision. It's a long process, but the end goal is worth it.