Is there a difference between DoDMERB and DODMETS? On the USNA website I am to log into DoDMERB but all of my paperwork and my exam is thru DODMETS. Are they one in the same?
They are different. DODMETS, belongs to our exam Contractor, Concorde, Inc., Philadelphia PA. They subcontract out to over 460 exam centers across the country. That website deals strictly with the scheduling and completing of the medcial and optometric exams.
The DoDMERB website is where you will check the status of DoDMERB's evaluation....applicant meets medical sandards (qualified); does not meet medical standards (disqualified); remedial (either DoDMERB or in cases of an applicant who does not meet medical standards, the waiver authority), additional tests and/or consults and/or seeking additional information.
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