Hello. I come here to ask for reassurance in my decision-making process as I look toward my future. I have received an appointment from USMA, and I currently have presidential and congressional nominations (VA-11) to USNA. In my heart, the academies seem to excite me when I think about them and I could very well see myself at one. My dad is a retired marine aviator and officer after 22 years, so my family and I are familiar with the lifestyle. The amazing benefits you receive from a service academy are endless such as job security, a top-level education for no money, great leadership, camaraderie, and much much more. All of these make me more attracted to attending an SA. I also think that the way you have your schedule strictly cut out for you and those types of things would make me prefer a SA over a civilian college. I visited both West Point and Annapolis and enjoyed my visits very much, however, I am a bit concerned that once I actually arrive for R-day or I-day, I am going to not feel the same way I did on my visits now that I would actually be thrown right into it. I think I would adjust quickly and begin to enjoy it after a while, but I am worried that I may not. The only other school I would attend if it were not a service academy would be Virginia Tech. I like their engineering program very much. I also understand that I have 2 years at an academy which I can leave and go to a civilian school. As you have read this you are probably thinking that by the way I am writing, it seems I have made up my mind on whether I want to attend a SA or Civilian school, and you would be right for the most part. I come here to search for any similar experiences, worries, or thoughts anyone has had. I do so because deep down I feel that I want to attend a SA, but I want to find reassurance here so that I can crush any doubts or worries in my mind so that I can feel 100% committed and certain about my decision to attend a SA. Thank
you very much.
you very much.