
I have no idea why so many smart people , claim that prohibition has never worked, in fact it’s usually counterproductive as far as crime, then they go on to suggest prohibition as the answer to our current drug problem.

They can’t possibly be right in both instances.

So instead of trying to solve the issue we fall back on what has never worked and has cost us trillions

Some version of just say no or hands in the air.
Temperance - sometimes means some...sometimes means none

Wisdom - how a person determines where the temperance line is drawn.

Everything a person injests can be toxic if taken in too much quantity or concentration. Alcohol has been used for millennia to kill microbes in drinking water. See the Romans...they did not drink their wine straight. It was considered gauche. They cut their wine with water. Being drunk was considered rude, that is why the behavior of the ruling class through the Empire was such a spectacle.

Most hard drugs were used specifically for medicinal purposes...therefore, extremely low concentration and quantity. Never for recreation. In all societies, when a good tool becomes recreative, trouble starts happening. When we try to make a dangerous item "legal" because "people are going to do it anyway", even more trouble starts.

Why do people OD? Life is tough and they want to escape. Insert specific trial for "tough" in the previous sentence.

Controlled substances are controlled for good reason.

Face the pain. Face your fears. It is the challenge of a lifetime.

BTW -Alcoholics Anonymous was started by an alcoholic. His program has healed many many people. Those who have walked the path of pain are in a particularly unique place to help others out of it.
Controlled substances are controlled for good reason.

Not necessarily. The DEA has many levels of control. Each one getting worse until you reach Schedule I controlled substances, such as marijuana, heroin, etc. Once you hit Schedule I, it is deemed to have no medicinal use and high probability of addiction/abuse. So lets evaluate marijuana in this. Many studies out there have shown marijuana to have medicinal use and dare say, much less chance for addiction/abuse than say oxycodone. However, oxycodone is a Schedule II drug and marijuana is still Schedule I at a federal level.
Not necessarily. The DEA has many levels of control. Each one getting worse until you reach Schedule I controlled substances, such as marijuana, heroin, etc. Once you hit Schedule I, it is deemed to have no medicinal use and high probability of addiction/abuse. So lets evaluate marijuana in this. Many studies out there have shown marijuana to have medicinal use and dare say, much less chance for addiction/abuse than say oxycodone. However, oxycodone is a Schedule II drug and marijuana is still Schedule I at a federal level.
I am not an expert on drugs, medicines, etc. A person's body was made to work well with extremely basic inputs. I also am not an expert on Schedules of controlled substances.

The point is temperance and wisdom. Sometimes temperance means taking none. Sometimes it means taking a little. It always means being aware. And if a person cannot determine content, concentration, or impact, he should probably give it a wide berth (wisdom).