I took my dodmerb test in Nov 4 2016, and got a decision in Nov 28 2016. I received one remedial
R251.51 Consult - Applicant's private physician for ear wax removal/TM evaluation
I got the letter Dec. 12. Family problems and other issues arose. I got the test and records done and turned them in Feb 22 2017. My ROTC det emailed the records to them and it has been a week and it has not shown up in my portal that dodmerb has not received my records yet. I do not know what to do at this point and I do not know how long these processes take.
R251.51 Consult - Applicant's private physician for ear wax removal/TM evaluation
I got the letter Dec. 12. Family problems and other issues arose. I got the test and records done and turned them in Feb 22 2017. My ROTC det emailed the records to them and it has been a week and it has not shown up in my portal that dodmerb has not received my records yet. I do not know what to do at this point and I do not know how long these processes take.