Also received email, CGA also first choice. I was wondering, I thought it interesting that the email said that notifications will be made on a rolling basis. From what I'd heard, everyone heard at the same time, does anybody know anything about this?
you will be reviewed based on when your app was received - even with LOA - you dont go to front of the line - you fall in where receivedMy DD applied EA, had received an LOA, and qualified under DoDMERB. Will they review LOA first or all together?
The admissions board is separate from the health screening. He can still recieve a conditional appointment while his DODMERB is being processed.
We should be seeing some offers being given by early November but others even if already reviewed may not hear anything until one of the later review/appointment boards meets. My DS two years back did not get a decision until late December but was reviewed in October of that year.Anyone know when the first round of EA notifications comes out? Early November?
Does anyone know when the last box (review complete) gets checked off? In other words, how does my DS learn of an offer? Snail mail only? Snail mail and an email? Should he definitely not expect any word until after that last check mark on the Den account? Or are they slow in making that last check mark until after the offer has been sent to the candidate?