Family Gross Income Question (USAFA Form 146)


May 14, 2020
I've been filling out the Personal Data Record and I came across the family income question. I live with one parent since both are divorced. Would the income be the custodial's parents income or both parents combined? Thanks!
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First I would see if the answer is in the directions as your situation is a common one. I could speculate but that wouldn't help you. Contact Admissions if answer not in directions. Good Luck!!
I searched for the form and instructions but can’t find that question. Until I saw the actual form and instructions ... I couldn’t give a competent answer as a CPA.

I can only guess it is household income.
First I would see if the answer is in the directions as your situation is a common one. I could speculate but that wouldn't help you. Contact Admissions if answer not in directions. Good Luck!!
I contacted admissions via email but they haven't responded in a week. Just wondered if anyone knew since this is the last thing I need before DODMERB:)
Not to go too far off a tangent, but why do they need to know this? I suppose if one came from an underprivileged background, that would be weighed in the same way as if you were the first one in college which I totally get and applaud. But do you think if you happen to come from a higher income bracket that might be weighed against you?
Not to go too far off a tangent, but why do they need to know this? I suppose if one came from an underprivileged background, that would be weighed in the same way as if you were the first one in college which I totally get and applaud. But do you think if you happen to come from a higher income bracket that might be weighed against you?
Wouldn’t be weighed against you either way. However, i think if an applicant’s parents receive very little income (i.e. total 20k/yr), that means the student likely had less resources others could have had like tutors, expensive club sports, etc.