Favorite Bean

Mr. Bean!

Food: red bean, totally mashed and sweetened in red bean buns, sesame balls, mochi balls, sweet rice and red bean with melted rock candy, etc. Not the partially smashed red bean. FULLY smashed and pasty, no bean skin.
I have a confession to make.

I have a quirk about dried beans - any kind - no matter how they are cooked. I loathe them.
Okay, would you have eaten them for the sake of your future spouse? Let me tell you, if you don't like beans, then fava beans will really make you turn your head.

I only liked my mother's green beans and black eyed peas. The only other time I ate beans was in Brazil at the home of my DS's host family. Beans are staple there and I didn't want to put him in a bad light.

At Mexican restaurants I get extra rice., no beans por favor.
Sean Bean, in his Rifleman’s green jacket in the “Sharpe” series, or in all the movies or series where he seems to get killed off.
Okay, would you have eaten them for the sake of your future spouse? Let me tell you, if you don't like beans, then fava beans will really make you turn your head.

I only liked my mother's green beans and black eyed peas. The only other time I ate beans was in Brazil at the home of my DS's host family. Beans are staple there and I didn't want to put him in a bad light.

At Mexican restaurants I get extra rice., no beans por favor.
Fortunately, I never faced a Bean Dilemma with husband’s family. I have written before here about my first meal with DDMIL (dearly departed...), who made all of DH’s childhood favorites when we went to have lunch with her. Fried Taylor Pork Roll (first time!) on white bread toast with a fried egg, and some fruit salad thing in jello. Bean-free, blessedly. A Bean Challenge would have been dicey.

DH cheerfully eats all the refritos off my plate at Mexican restaurants.

I have had the mashed azuki beans at the bottom of a shave ice in HI. I knew it was a bean the minute it landed in my mouth, but the sugar and shave helped.

I enjoy green beans and all the runner/string beans cooked all kinds of ways.
Beans & Rice!

Got all muddy!