FERPA Records at USAFA?

Aug 24, 2017
This question is slightly off topic, but after reading this article:
I started wondering whether or not this process would work for USAFA cadets to see their admissions info. Are service academies under the same FERPA obligations as regular universities? More of a curiosity than anything, just wondering if theoretically cadets could see the numerical data such as Academic Composite and Weighted Composite assigned to them through the admissions process. Might be interesting!
My DH recently requested his files from USMA his admissions from the late 70's. It was quite interesting to see their hand written notes in the file showing the probability percentage they gave for him to make it through 5 semesters there without failing out (64%). There were other notes about his poor SAT English scores, too.
My DH recently requested his files from USMA his admissions from the late 70's. It was quite interesting to see their hand written notes in the file showing the probability percentage they gave for him to make it through 5 semesters there without failing out (64%). There were other notes about his poor SAT English scores, too.

That’s very interesting! How much information did they redact? I’m wondering how different the admissions process then and now is as well.
FERPA (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) applies to institutions which receive funding from the U.S. Dept of Education (§ 99.1 of page 1 of below link). Service academies do not, (as far as I can research), receive any funds from the DOE.


On a side note, service academies are exempt from Title IX. Also they must report sexual assaults but not other crimes as the Clery Act isn't applicable.


https://www.usma.edu/news/SiteAsset...emies' Sexual Assault Prevention Programs.pdf