Food for Thought-Giffords

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It is indeed food for thought. Being a politician in the national arena certainly has its responsibilities. I am sure it has come home to Sarah Palin in a very pronounced way. Hope she changes.

However, I am sure there are those who will say that Congresswoman Giffords concerns became a self fulfilling prophecy.
Tying Governor Sarah Palin to the tragedy in Tucson is outrageous and beyond belief. If you are going to post such garbage, please provide at least some evidence. It’s disgusting that those on the left are attempting to parlay this horrific act for political gain in an attempt to silence those on the right. (Never let a good crisis go to waste).

While you have played judge, jury and executioner against Governor Palin, I’d like to know where she has advocated violence against political rivals. While many on the left complain that she used crosshairs on her website that identified vulnerable Democrats in the 2010 election, mapped out bulls-eyes of competitive House seats held by Republicans during the 2004 election.

I find it rather amusing that those on the left are now calling for civility in politics. During the Bush years, all we heard was that “dissent was the greatest form of patriotism”, but now with Obama in the White House, any attempt to criticize the president is considered “hate speech.” I guess it was OK when in 2006, John Kerry went on Bill Maher’s show and stated, “I could have gone to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and killed the real bird with one stone.” Or how about Obama’s line during the 2008 campaign...”If they bring a knife, we bring a gun.” Civility?

I’ve been to several Tea Parties, and can attest that they are about as civil as church picnics. Of course the left likes to send in a couple of whacko's sporting offensive gear in hope that the media will air footage of these clowns and try to portray the entire group as a gang of deranged Nazis.

Any finally, it has come out that Mr. Loughner was a strong believer in the writings of Marx and Engels, and often read the “Communist Manifesto.” A classmate has referred to the gunman a “left-wing pothead.” Absent the pot usage, it seems this guy is more ideologically aligned with the likes of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi rather than Sarah Palin.
I think that in the interests of this forum this thread needs to close here. It is clear that a brutal tragedy was perpetrated in Arizona. It is unclear if there is any cause beyond the obvious derangement of the shooter. This forum is devoted to information for prospective candidates about the Service Academies, ROTC, Military Colleges and other means to a military commission. Threads that are overtly contentious, or political in nature with few or no ties to the main topics of the forum really don't belong here. So I'm gonna close this. My prayers and sympathies go out to the victims and their families in Arizona.
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