Can't really give direct advice to your question without knowing what your relationship with your parents is like.
I can offer this though: you WILL be physically TIRED--happy, but tired. There is a good chance you will be sick (mixing all those east cost-west coast amongst Plebes), there is a name for it "Plebe Hack". You will also have a sleep deficit to make up. My DD kept falling asleep ("in a real bed"), and every time she woke up she felt bad (some times to the point of tears) that she'd wasted precious time with family. Don't be thinking its all happy time, it's not.
When you drop your kid off for IDay, you are leaving them to a crucible to make them into Mids; as a parent you are worried, proud, hopeful and expectant. When I left my DD at Bancroft on Sunday night I knew that my home really wasn't her home anymore, for some families that's a hard thing to digest. DD knew it too, made her cry, made her mom cry, made her sister cry,------(not me, I've only broken down once and under extenuating circumstances).
Like I said, nobody here knows enough about your life and family to give you an answer. My put is that you begin with the recognition that while you will be happy to have survived the crucible, there won't be much of you to go-around, and that for people who really love you (Moms, Dads, and maybe girlfriends) PPW brings a little sadness along with the pride.