Girlfriend coming to Plebe Parents' Weekend?


New Member
Dec 17, 2017
I am going to be reporting for I-Day as a member of the Class of '22. My girlfriend (of a year and a half) can't make it for I-Day. Would it be appropriate for her to come up to Annapolis for PPW?

I'm just trying to balance my family responsibilities with my relationship with her- don't want to make either feel ignored! Advice appreciated!!!
Wow..that old thread took a turn.

My view, for what its worth ... let DS make his own choices. I don't recall any discussion about it when I was GF attended Parents Weekend and every other significant event during my stay at USNA. At Graduation, Mom got one shoulder board, by then fiance got the other. Still married after 30+ years. The only issue I recall was Mom was a bit upset when GF got a Class Crest.
DD's boyfriend showed up on his own nickel for PPW. It was weird and strained between them. She was happy to see him but at the same time he didn't get most of it. I expect your girlfriend will be in the same boat. You will talk differently and have obligations that she won't be ready for. EX, snapping to attention with a salute to an officer. You will have a air about you when you meet up with your squad mates that is very evident but hard to comprehend.

Most Plebes head back to the Yard earlier than required and hang outside of Bancroft, usually by the door they enter. Mids trickle in and while waiting you notice the bond between them and where DD's BF seemed most out of place. I felt bad for the kid having traveled to Annapolis and spent so much on his hotel. FWIW, it was over a week later. DD said she it wasn't the same. They were in different stages of life now.

Good luck.
Wow..that old thread took a turn.

My view, for what its worth ... let DS make his own choices. I don't recall any discussion about it when I was GF attended Parents Weekend and every other significant event during my stay at USNA. At Graduation, Mom got one shoulder board, by then fiance got the other. Still married after 30+ years. The only issue I recall was Mom was a bit upset when GF got a Class Crest.

Congratulations on 30+ years. Well done!
There are many older threads on this subject. The age difference would be true regardless of which college you attend. More relevant to SA's is the fact during PPW, most plebes just want to relax/sleep....etc. since they are most likely exhausted from all of the Plebe Summer activities. Depends on how serious your relationship is and what your parents are planning to do. It is probably a good idea for mids and their parents to have a candid discussion about what they want to do since being a tour guide to all things Annapolis may not be high on their priority list during PPW.
My feeling on it is that you are an adult now so it is appropriate to bring your girlfriend if YOU feel she should be there. I have a DD that also will be a part of the incoming class of 2022. As a parent I understand that this is now HER journey and I am happy to just be along for the ride with her and her bf will be there at the various events if she wishes him to be there. I would love to have her time all to myself but I would never wish to keep them apart when I know seeing him would make her happy. Whether or not he has to spend some time hanging out with her parents I know he won't care and as a parent I would never try to make things difficult for her. I have heard some families come on Thursday and the significant other comes on Friday night which allows the family a little time with you alone first, so that might be an option. If you don't see your gf for induction day or parent's weekend then it won't be possible probably until Thanksgiving. I think if it is something you want then you need to politely tell your folks that you need to work it all out.
Can't really give direct advice to your question without knowing what your relationship with your parents is like.

I can offer this though: you WILL be physically TIRED--happy, but tired. There is a good chance you will be sick (mixing all those east cost-west coast amongst Plebes), there is a name for it "Plebe Hack". You will also have a sleep deficit to make up. My DD kept falling asleep ("in a real bed"), and every time she woke up she felt bad (some times to the point of tears) that she'd wasted precious time with family. Don't be thinking its all happy time, it's not.

When you drop your kid off for IDay, you are leaving them to a crucible to make them into Mids; as a parent you are worried, proud, hopeful and expectant. When I left my DD at Bancroft on Sunday night I knew that my home really wasn't her home anymore, for some families that's a hard thing to digest. DD knew it too, made her cry, made her mom cry, made her sister cry,------(not me, I've only broken down once and under extenuating circumstances).

Like I said, nobody here knows enough about your life and family to give you an answer. My put is that you begin with the recognition that while you will be happy to have survived the crucible, there won't be much of you to go-around, and that for people who really love you (Moms, Dads, and maybe girlfriends) PPW brings a little sadness along with the pride.
When you are required to have a Girlfriend, 1 ea, NSN 2320-01-355-3063 you will be issued one.
They changed the navy stock number since I last ordered anything. Thanks for the update. Probably will still be 6 months on back order though.
When you are required to have a Girlfriend, 1 ea, NSN 2320-01-355-3063 you will be issued one.
They changed the navy stock number since I last ordered anything. Thanks for the update. Probably will still be 6 months on back order though.
Now you've done it - I told my DS that the USAF version of this item was not available until after he completed UPT, but now he knows that there may be cross-service options available...
Now you've done it - I told my DS that the USAF version of this item was not available until after he completed UPT, but now he knows that there may be cross-service options available...
No problem Hawk, we never sell to anyone who can't catch the one wire on their first attempt. Most of our guys have to get a co-signer for the first 6 months.[emoji23]
Now you've done it - I told my DS that the USAF version of this item was not available until after he completed UPT, but now he knows that there may be cross-service options available...
They still need to be authorized to requisition one. IAW AR 40-33 the first O-6 in the chain of command must sign off on the officer/cadet's requisition for a girlfriend/boyfriend unit, 1 Ea. If the individual requisitioning is a cadet they must be able to show a need as well as "...maturity to handle one, to include good grades..." Of course this is the Army regulation. Air Force and Navy regulations may be different. I've heard Marine regulations are actually much more relaxed in this regard. Spousal units are covered by a different AR and I assume it's the same in the Navy/Air Force.
DD's boyfriend lasted 6 months. He wanted but did not attend I-Day or PPW. Proabably a good idea. She was a differnt person and when they didi see each other you could tell it was over. Plebe Summer and the entire USNA process changes a person. Yet you never know a close friend of ours son is a strong 2%. I do believe though he has missed out on a lot of time wth his mates when he is with his girlfriend.
So all that to say do what you think is best and be prepared. :bang:
Speaking as a parent, it's called Parent's Weekend for a reason....see the GF or BF when you come home for Thanksgiving.
The first PW was different then all the others. Academics just started, Jacks recently ended. Have to go buy the printer, computer monitor, etc. Besides, DD was really wiped, All she wanted to do was eat, sleep, & hang out in the hotel area. Previous threads said this might happen & in her case, it did. Glad I read about it on the Forum so it wasn't a surprise. Just don't think the BF/GF is a good fit for this weekend. The other 3 PW's were much more activity-related. Lots of older threads on PW activities.