Gold SSBN Deterrent Patrol Insignia


5-Year Member
Mar 26, 2019
I’ve recently learned about the SSBN deterrent patrol insignia where it has one gold star for each successful patrol and one silver star for every 5 successful patrols. After 20 patrols, the insignia becomes gold. I’ve seen a lot of submariners’ uniforms, but have never seen the gold SSBN deterrent insignia. Even after searching online for photos of the gold version on uniforms, I cannot find anyone wearing it. I was wondering how rare it is for someone to have the insignia, and if anyone has known someone who has earned it.
I have never seen one, but never spent alot of time around bubble heads. Have a few buddies that are, but they don’t have gold ones.
A normal officer career would have some variety between fast attack and boomers, thus there isn't much opportunity to do 20 SSBN patrols.

Criteria to get one is to be aboard during a patrol--I saw a few MIDN wearing them; they got unlucky during submarine cruise and got a lot more underway time than they expected.

I'm sure there's a crusty Master Chief somewhere with one, but I've only seen silver pins, even on admirals. Here's RADM Converse with four patrols:
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