Good thing this Marine got home before Trump is elected President

Trump did not call for a ban to keep American Muslims from coming back in the country, so the OP's point is moot. I am for banning any other person who is not American from ANY country coming into the United States and staying here until every single American who wants a job, has a job. What is the purpose of letting more people in and to what benefit? We should use the people resources we have instead of bringing more in. We need to close the borders (every single one). It is our right as a sovereign nation to decide who is allowed to visit, stay or go. If people are not willing to come here and integrate and become part of our nation and live the American way, then they should stay in their own nation. They should not expect to come here and turn our nation into theirs. That is why Trump is on top, and not only is he saying what people want to hear, he is saying what many people believe but are afraid to say themselves. :zip:

If the US had banned immigrants from coming to our shores "...until every single American who wants a job, has a job" since 1783, our population today would be about 10 million and the nation would have never any further westward than Kentucky.

Instead we number 325 million people, surpassed only by China & India. There's strength in numbers. Switzerland is just as free and democratic and prosperous as the US, but it isn't too powerful in international matters.

If the US still had a birthrate similar to that pre-1970, i.e. women having 4-5 kids who live to adulthood, then the need for immigration would be less, but that isn't the case. The one thing that separates the US (and, perhaps, Canada too) from the other westernized industrial nations is our ability to attract large numbers of immigrants from all over the world who can integrate into American society in one generation.

When the Irish (or any other Roman Catholics) came in large numbers, it was said they'd never become real Americans, but they did and flourished.

Same thing a generation later with the Jews and then the Italians. Same with the Poles, Greeks, etc.

I remember the 1970s when many said the US could never, ever absorb one million Vietnamese after the fall of Saigon. But it did and later generations of Vietnamese are as American as can be.

I remember the Mariel Boatlift in 1980 when a couple of hundred thousand Cubans arrived in Miami almost overnight. Nativist voices said the English language wouldn't be spoken in South Florida in 10 years. Well, that was 35+ years ago and the sons and grandsons of those Marielitos speak Americanized English just fine.

The current wave of Hispanics coming from south of the Rio Grand River will produce future generations of great Americans. Financial leaders, military leaders, political leaders, policemen, lawyers, truckers, plumbers, accountants, civil engineers, store managers, cooks, school teachers, etc. I have no doubt.

The immigration system is obviously troubled and needs reform, but that will only happen when American voters elect legislators who are honestly committed to fixing the system.

I recall my platoon in boot camp had recruits whose parents had been born on Ireland, Italy, Cuba, Vietnam, Korea & Haiti. Maybe more that I don't recall. It didn't make them any less Marines.

It's true that Trump is telling some people what they "want to hear" - but that doesn't make it right. We've had Trump-like voices in US history since Day 1. They've always been wrong in the past (Know Nothings 0f 1850s, Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s, etc.) and always will be in the future.

Any country that walls itself from the rest of the planet is doomed to failure and collapse. Check out the Chinese experiment in which a once-great, powerful and advanced nation ended up being impoverished and backward and easily walked over and exploited by more open and advanced nations like Britain.
Day Tripper +1.

Also try staffing a STEM faculty at a US university with Americans only.