Got a letter!


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Oct 29, 2008
My heart skipped a beat, flat white USCGA envelope in the mailbox......gave to son and kept on going. I wait, I wait, no reaction from son.......finally I walk by his door and he yells......"they got it". The letter simply states, all of his info is received and is before the Candidate Review Board. At least we have confirmation of this, the last time we checked, everything was still gray. Mailman stalking will officially commence at our house. :smile:
I got one too! My friend drives me home everyday and she pulls into my driveway backs up and parks next to the mailbox. I get out, check the mail, and let her know if i got the letter. When I got one of Friday, I ripped it open and then was like, "oh, they got all of my stuff." :biggrin:
In about two weeks, you'll want to see a big 12 x 9 thick paperboard envelope that comes Priority Mail.

Appointments come in that big thick white mailer, deferrals and rejections come in letter-sized envelopes.
Two weeks will pass veryyyy slowwwwwlllllyyyyyy................
This all confirms that there were no "early early decisions" as some have stated here and elsewhere...they will come out mid-December as usual. But even then the real waiting will only just begin as most will get a deferral rather than a direct appointment. Just being the voice of reality.:frown:
Is it unusual for the supplemental forms on the website to still not be "grayed out"? I heard that there were some issues with that, and I'm not sure whether to wait for the same letter SRHSMOM recieved, or to call admissions and confirm. I overnighted my forms in late October. This wait is absolutely killing me :P
This all confirms that there were no "early early decisions" as some have stated here and elsewhere...they will come out mid-December as usual. But even then the real waiting will only just begin as most will get a deferral rather than a direct appointment. Just being the voice of reality.:frown:

Yup, that's what I was going to say as well. My son missed the early action last year, but many of the others cruisin' this board were in the same boat as him. April 15 came and went, waitlisted, and finally on June 6th the bad news. It is a long haul, so hang in there. Hopefully many will get GREAT news in Dec, and then the others by early Spring. The waiting this time around is easier because son is doing the back up plan. Mind you he still really, really wants an appointment, but I think the mailman is a little safer this year than last. :wink:
Is it unusual for the supplemental forms on the website to still not be "grayed out"? I heard that there were some issues with that, and I'm not sure whether to wait for the same letter SRHSMOM recieved, or to call admissions and confirm. I overnighted my forms in late October. This wait is absolutely killing me :P

she has been great in confirming what was received.
good luck!
I shot an email over to the Academy to confirm that my packet was complete
and I guess I'm in the same boat a bunch of people here are, in that my packet is complete but not "grayed out" on the website
But, in more relavent news,
What I was told was in line with bossf51:
"middle of December"
*sigh* Does the wait ever get easier?
I shot an email over to the Academy to confirm that my packet was complete
and I guess I'm in the same boat a bunch of people here are, in that my packet is complete but not "grayed out" on the website
But, in more relavent news,
What I was told was in line with bossf51:
"middle of December"
*sigh* Does the wait ever get easier?

For our family it got harder....sorry. But then again, hopefully you will get in early and not have to linger on the waitlist until June :rolleyes:

We will have to wait until Jan for our boy's decision as his college grades need to arrive before he is put before the Candidate Review Board. At least we know not to stalk the mailman until sometime in Jan/Feb :smile:

Good luck. Things will work out.
I got a letter about two weeks ago, does that mean I could be finding out sometiime in the next week, or even tommorrow? My friends and family are getting a little weirded out by my "enthusiasm"... I'm freaking out, I overnighted my EA applicatoin on October 28, so I wasnt expecting to hear till mid decmeber.
Just saying that they had recieved my completed application in time for EA. It came on the November 14th. When I first saw it I thought that it was a letter of deferral and almost completly broke down, then I read it felt really stupid since it was so anti-climactic.
i guess i got a letter also, I was at a relatives house for a funeral get together type thing and my mom calls me and shes all nervous, asking if she can open it. So i was just like all right go for it, I guess it was something about sending in more measurements and stuff for the physical part of things

traveling back home today so i guess i'll have to get right on that when i get home