Grade scale

Just seems to me that as long as you have the right answer, who cares how you got it.

Not really take calculus - integral calculus - if you have no idea how to do a problem then try this - be relatively disorganized and sloppy in your blue book - then take a problem you have no idea what to do -

scratch down randomly 5 or 6 formuilae/theroums you believe might apply ...

then in large writing write:

-1, 0, 1 at the bottom of the blue book page and circle it emphatically placing a large arrow pointing to it...

I bet you get at least - at least 25% credit for that "answer" 7 out of 10 times....

not cheating but also not demonstrating that you know anything about calculus, let alone the material so that's why a Math Prof will be perscriptive in how he wants problems approached and answers derived/displayed ... there are similar points to various aspects of physics but the examples wouldn't be as grossly demonstrative of my point...