Help with Plebe Parents' Weekend 2021 info

Dumb question.... can our plebes bring a watch to plebe summer? For some reason, I have been led to believe that that cannot have one.

They can bring one. They won't be wearing it during PS.

Rather like the Las Vegas approach with no clocks in the casinos - no need to know the time, except in this case, their time is regimented with detailers on top of them most of the time. I think they are still issued alarm clocks.

I don't think the 2021 Permit to Report is online yet, but see p. 11 of Class of 2020. 3 Important Information Class Of 2020.pdf
They can bring one. They won't be wearing it during PS.

Rather like the Las Vegas approach with no clocks in the casinos - no need to know the time, except in this case, their time is regimented with detailers on top of them most of the time. I think they are still issued alarm clocks.

I don't think the 2021 Permit to Report is online yet, but see p. 11 of Class of 2020. DOCS/3 PTR 2020 Item 3 Important Information Class Of 2020.pdf
Thank you. We are getting anxious to receive the PTR. In the meantime DS is swimming, lifting, running, and shooting.... and taking AP exams, working 20 hours, volunteering, and being a teenager getting ready to leave the nest. For other parents out there, if your plebe to be is up for it, i would suggest getting a swimming coach and/or running coach. Proper technique can really help your plebe. My DS thought he knew how to swim well and his mind has been blown working with a personal coach. And... he's loving it. You can find swimming and other personal coaches on the app CoachUp.
Of course, I assumed 2021 PTR will be essentially the same, as the bulk of it often is, so I should have noted that with regard to watch policy. There will be lots of detail, break out the highlighter!
Thank you. We are getting anxious to receive the PTR. In the meantime DS is swimming, lifting, running, and shooting.... and taking AP exams, working 20 hours, volunteering, and being a teenager getting ready to leave the nest. For other parents out there, if your plebe to be is up for it, i would suggest getting a swimming coach and/or running coach. Proper technique can really help your plebe. My DS thought he knew how to swim well and his mind has been blown working with a personal coach. And... he's loving it. You can find swimming and other personal coaches on the app CoachUp.

Glad to see your son is preparing himself for PS. One note: I wouldn't say it's necessary to shoot in preparation for Plebe Summer. The plebes shoot for all of one day. The instructors are good at their job and the vast majority will qualify for ribbons in one day, many of whom have never shot before. Now, if your son just likes to shoot for the heck of it, than by all means continue. I just wouldn't approach it as "I need to pay for shooting lessons so I'm ready for USNA" because that's not really necessary. Most will not touch a weapon again until Protramid over 2/c summer. Swimming instruction would probably not hurt, especially if you are a poorer swimmer. Running and lifting are extremely important if not so much for performance reasons than for injury prevention. I cannot stress how beneficial it is to your reputation if you as a plebe can resist going on chit for injury the whole summer. People will tend to remember those who missed everything because they were in a boot for a month because they didn't condition their bodies appropriately beforehand.

Rather like the Las Vegas approach with no clocks in the casinos - no need to know the time, except in this case, their time is regimented with detailers on top of them most of the time. I think they are still issued alarm clocks.

They are issued alarm clocks but they are generally taken away by the detailers and returned at reform.