Hold/ dodmerb

why not?

Jul 11, 2019
Hello, I am from Alabama applying for the class of 2024. I am currently on a hold status. I’m currently talking to the soccer coach at the school and am visiting this Thursday January 16th. I have a disqualified dodmerb because of a surgery I had, but I feel I am healthy. I passed my CFA with good scores and currently play soccer. How does the waiver process work with the school. Last thing, what questions can I ask the admissions officer when he is giving his presentation so I do not look stupid. Thank you
So, there are a number of areas without clarity in your post, so I'll answer this way.

Go to https://dodmerb.tricare.osd.mil
Hit the link on the left of the homepage "Questions about the process"
Read paragraphs 11-12. "IF" the Admissions officer states you meet those criteria, then read paragraphs 15-19 and 21.
It is a great idea to visit. Between now and your visit, read everything on the USMMA website and as much as you can here. I would say that the only stupid questions would be things that are easily explained if you have read the information provided at USMMA.edu. Good luck.
Also there are currently a bunch of threads going on about different candidates waiver situations (not the process). It’s not up to you, your usmma coach, or even your doctor to decide if you are fit for qualification. No matter how healthy you feel. Or your current fitness level.
I was on hold for like 3 months for something really minor. Basically I kept checking in with dodmerb and kinda annoyed them enough to push my file through...

Just stay persistent, and try to find out if USMMA is trying to get a waiver for you. I was told they were trying to get one for me at the end of December and I finally got one in March. Hope this helps!

1. The SAs and ROTC programs are the waiver authorities.
2. DoDMERB will post the DQ to the waiver authorities and SA Admissions as soon as we DQ.
2. DoDMERB will receive any remedial requests from waiver authorities, if they want any, and transmit the request to the applicant.
3. Admissions for SA's determine if they wish to pursue medical waiver consideration. That often, is not an instantaneous decision, for a myriad of reasons, but "sitting on it," is NOT one of those reasons.