How best can I increase my chances?


New Member
Jan 3, 2017
How be can I increase my chances of getting into the Air Force Academy? I am in eighth grade, so I have time to work at it.
The Academy admissions website says:
"One or More Test Scores: PSAT, PLAN, SAT, and/or ACT"

So you can submit both.
My DS, Class of 2020, started his trek at about the same point. He started taking the ACT in the 8th grade (I have since started his brothers taking the test in the 7th grade). He improved each time and took it for the last time when he was a junior. He got involved in CAP and found a sport to concentrate on in high school. We looked at the Academies online and found our local MOC held a annual Academy Days each year and started attending it. This gave us more information as well as allowing him to make important introductions to our ALO and MOC. He also committed to keeping his nose clean and staying out of trouble. He challenged himself to take a rigid academic schedule each year and took part in math and science competitions. We never pushed him and encouraged him to enjoy his school years, but he chose this path and stuck to it. Best of luck to you.