How did you train for the CFA Basketball Throw?


Cadet 2014
5-Year Member
Dec 14, 2009
Hello y'all.
Currently the last thing I have to do for USMA is the CFA which I'm scheduled to take the week we get back in school in January. I'm taking Christmas break to train and work out more than I'm able to during a normal school week. I'm a cross country and track runner so the running and cardio events aren't too rough but I have a question on the "technique" required to perform the basketball throw. I've never been able to get over 65', does anyone have any pointers? Thanks in advance!
Make the throwing motion almost like a really wide, sweeping side-armed type of deal, while cradling it against your wrist. Hopefully that makes sense.
Yeah I did rather poorly on the B-ball throw, it was by far the hardest event. I think the best advice is to not try and throw it like a baseball: the awkward kneeling position and weight of the ball make this more difficult. I found a sweeping motion and making sure you use your core strength to be the best tips. Just get a basketball and mark off a target distance, and practice A LOT. Practice several types of throws to see what works best. You really don't need to be big and strong, it is all about technique. I saw some kids throw really far at SLS that were by no means huge guys. Good Luck!
Use your torso

I had some trouble with the basketball throw as well. I found that the key is to use torso rotation to throw the ball, not just your arm. Using this technique I was able to throw 15-20 ft beyond my previous throws.
With accordance to the previous posts, I use a twelve pound medicine ball with doing it. Turned my bball throw from 40 ft to 78ft in 5 weeks.

That all makes sense. I tried it and improved a little. Gotta keep practicing, practicing, and practicing I suppose. Thanks for the help y'all!
wow. 12lb. medicine ball. I wouldn't recommend that unless you're using shotput technique or you will probably tear something.