How long do I have for accepting/declining West Point SLE?


Sep 15, 2016
I got accepted the other day, but am still waiting on my NASS application. Given that I can only attend one due to financial and time constraints, I'd like to know if I have time to wait to see about NASS before I accept/decline SLE. Does it show anywhere on the portal the date I have to accept/decline by?
In some of your prior posts you said you want to attend USAFA. I think the first thing you need to do is decide which SA you truly want to attend. NASS and SLE are partly recruiting efforts to attract those who might not have otherwise considered attending an SA. Each program is different, so I am not sure the idea of only attending one is a good plan, particularly if you aren't even sure which SA is your main interest. You should make every effort to visit any college you are serious about attending.