How long is the DoDMERB good for?

Jul 7, 2024
My DD was a college programmer for Army ROTC last year and passed the DoDMERB in Oct 2023. After that she decided she wanted to change majors and schools. Last month she started the new school and joined the Navy ROTC as a college programmer. If she gets on scholarship in July will she need to re do the DoDMERB?
My DD was a college programmer for Army ROTC last year and passed the DoDMERB in Oct 2023. After that she decided she wanted to change majors and schools. Last month she started the new school and joined the Navy ROTC as a college programmer. If she gets on scholarship in July will she need to re do the DoDMERB

Answered by another poster on the dupe thread you started - people are responsive here, so you usually don’t need to do that.

Good for 2 years from exam date. May have to fill out a form with any updates or changes to medical history.
Follow up question, as long as she contracts within the 2 years, she won’t have to take it again? Or it’s something you do every two years until commissioning?
Follow up question, as long as she contracts within the 2 years, she won’t have to take it again? Or it’s something you do every two years until commissioning?
She won’t have to take it again so long as she contracts within 2 years of the last DoDMERB exam.

She will have to fill out a DoDMERB present health questionnaire to provide updates on her health since the last exam. This is where she will have to mention the bad ankle sprain.