HPSP And Medical School After SA


Jul 19, 2024
Hey! I’m looking to apply to the naval academy (USNA) and was curious about the HPSP scholarship for medical school. I am interested in entering the medical corps after college. What are the requirements for it, what should I major in, and should I mention HPSP to the blue and gold officer? Also if it doesn’t work out, I have a plan B,C,D! Any info you have would really help aLOT!! Thank You! 😊
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Hey! I’m looking to apply to the naval academy (USNA) and was curious about the HPSP scholarship for medical school. What are the requirements for it, what should I major in, and should I mention HPSP to the blue and gold officer? Also if it doesn’t work out, I have a plan B,C,D! Any info you have would really help aLOT!! Thank You! 😊
Lots of info on here, but bottom line is that Annapolis and Medical School (at least med school directly after undergrad) don't play well together. If you truly want to be a doctor it's best to find an alternate route, since only about 10+/- USNA graduates per year are selected for medical school.
This probably isn’t what you want to hear, but the biggest thing you can do to increase your chances is to focus on getting into USNA. If/when you find yourself at USNA there will be plenty of officers and other faculty to help you compete for a med corps billet.

The search function is a great tool to find guidance about preparing for USNA, and as CAPT MJ often recommends, be sure to read up on as much of the USNA admissions website as you can.

Lastly, as you continue your college search, be sure to research the unrestricted line communities in the USN and USMC and make sure you can see yourself doing one or more of those jobs. There are plenty of reasons you may not get a med corps billet even if you attend and do well at USNA, so you should have other jobs in mind that you would be happy doing at least for a few years.
What is the medical corps billet?
A billet is the Navy’s word for a job, and the medical corps is the Navy’s name for all its physicians (there is also a dental corps, nurse corps, etc). Midshipman who want to go to medical school and become physicians straight out of USNA must be get a medical corp billet (be assigned to the medical corps) during service assignment 1/C year. Once they graduate they then attend medical school, complete residency, and serve as physicians in the Navy.
Step one, get into USNA. Step two, most major in Chemistry at USNA. Not all do, but most as it covers the most required courses. Step 3, do amazing at USNA. Step 4, internships and take the MCAT. Step 5, Apply to med school and get accepted. Step 6, Happens concurrently to 5, out Medical Corps as your 1 for service assignment. Most who get into Med School get a billet. That is 10-12 a year selected for it. There are tons and tons of threads on this. Recommend the search function. It’s also important to remember that you have much less control of your career than regular doctors. Needs of the Navy. You want to be an orthopedic, but the Navy might not need any that year.
That was VERY helpful! Thank You!! What kinds of internships should I look into? (Best to get medical corps billet)
That was VERY helpful! Thank You!! What kinds of internships should I look into? (Best to get medical corps billet)
When you get to USNA and pursue this path they will cover these things. Some are able to get them as a part of their summer training and some will give up leave to pursue other opportunities. Most of them are shadowing opportunities.