I-day and hotel reservations

What is the earliest possible report time on I-Day?

For those of you that have already been through I-Day.....What is the earliest possible report time on I-Day? It's a 50 minute drive to Annapolis for us with the typical traffic and we were planning on leaving a couple hours before my son's report time on I-Day to make sure we found parking and weren't rushed. (At the Candidate Visit, my son was told the Permit to Report Packet would arrive mid May so we'll all find out our children's report times very soon).
50 minute drive to Annapolis? Wow, I have to say that I am jealous. It takes us more than that to get to the airport to fly all day.
I believe the report times start sometime during the 0600 hour. Our son's report time was 7:30. We were early so they took him early. I think he was relieved. He was getting anxious while waiting. Best wishes to all new appointees and their families.
Dear USNA2012mom:

Watch my son get the 6 am report time! :eek: We are still going to plan on leaving 2 hours before he has to report because of the parking situation. I know a local coffee shop. (Hopefully, they'll be open at 5 am!) Being so close, my son would rather sleep in his own bed the night before I-Day instead of staying in a hotel so I guess we will just be getting up very early! Now for PPW I have made reservations for the nights of Friday Aug 7 and Saturday Aug 8 at a B&B, walking distance from the Academy. And, yes, definitely best wishes to all Appointees and families! :thumb:

50 minute drive to Annapolis? Wow, I have to say that I am jealous. It takes us more than that to get to the airport to fly all day.
I believe the report times start sometime during the 0600 hour. Our son's report time was 7:30. We were early so they took him early. I think he was relieved. He was getting anxious while waiting. Best wishes to all new appointees and their families.