Thanks. I've been pursuing a direct commission for a while now while in the army reserves and I've served for about 10 years. After a break in service, I was granted a medical waiver in 2017 to reenlist, in 2023 during my commission process I was denied a medical waiver at MEPS for the same unchanged condition (same pulhes code). No explanation, no information other than one minute the commissioning board and school approved my application packet and next minute they said they can't continue processing. Best I can figure out is I can pass the sustaining physical criteria (which is why I'm allowed to stay in), but can't pass the commissioning physical. But the irony with it all is that means I'm physically fit to deploy, wear 80 lbs of gear and run in the mud as I used to (OIF), but I'm not qualified to sit at a desk and rubber stamp blueprint drawings for government facilities, which is what I'd be doing in my direct commissioning role.
I went through the congressional inquiry and it came back just confirming most of what I noted above. Do you have any advice on how to pursue this further? Any thoughts on further appeal?