Its 03:00 in the North Atlantic, a gale has been blowing and the deck is pitching left to right and it is also moving fore to aft at the same time. There is no lite from the moon and stars and visibility is terrible. Lt. WT Door has 300ft or less to land and all he has is his instruments, training and the LSO giving him directions on his final approach. He Slams into the deck at 130+ knots and guns the engines into afterburner just in case he gets a bolter and has to go around and do it all again.
at the same time somewhere at an AF base Capt. Zoomie is trying to land his F-16 in the same terrible weather, however he has 7000 foot of runway that is not moving and all the lights are on and if he punches out he is over dry land.
Now who has to be the better pilot?