Hello I am an RPA select and I am about to go to my Flight Physical. I had a quick question. What is the difference between a Flying Class I/II physical?
Your best resource would be to go through the Air Force Aeromedical Standards and work through the details. From a high level this is from the AFROTC site. PILOT
Normal color vision
Distant vision: uncorrected 20/200, but corrected to 20/20
Near vision: uncorrected 20/40, but corrected to 20/20
Note: Corrective eye surgery could be a disqualifier.
Meet refraction, accommodation and astigmatism requirements
Have no history of hay fever, asthma or allergies after age 12
Meet Air Force weight and physical conditioning requirements
Have standing height of 64 to 77 inches and sitting height of 34 to 40 inches
Normal color vision
Distant vision: uncorrected 20/400, but corrected to 20/20
Near vision: uncorrected 20/40, but corrected to 20/20
Note: Corrective eye surgery could be a disqualifier.
Meet refraction, accommodation and astigmatism requirements
Have no history of hay fever, asthma or allergies after age 12
Meet Air Force weight and physical conditioning requirements
Have standing height of 64 to 77 inches and sitting height of 33 to 40 inches
Normal color vision
Distant vision: Uncorrected cannot exceed 20/400 and must correct to 20/20.
Near vision: There is no standard for uncorrected but must correct to 20/20.
Note: Corrective eye surgery could be a disqualifier.
Meet refraction, accommodation and astigmatism requirements
Meet Air Force weight and physical conditioning requirements
No standing or sitting height requirement
Normal color vision
Distant vision: Uncorrected cannot exceed 20/400 but must correct to 20/20.
Near vision: There is no standard for uncorrected near vision but must correct to 20/20.
Note: Corrective eye surgery could be a disqualifier.
Meet refraction, accommodation and astigmatism requirements
Meet Air Force weight and physical conditioning requirements