Im probably too late so whats my options now?


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Nov 18, 2008
Hello all. Heres my situation. I'm currently a senior and I have academically and physically pushed myself through high school. My plan was to attend my local junior college on a scholarship but recently I've thought more and more about serving in the Navy. My grandfather served in WWII in the navy and says it would be a great experience.

Now my question is is it too late to apply for class of 2013? And if it is can i attend my junior college for a year and reapply for 2014? I greatly appreciate any info

wow... actually everything is the same! even the granddad thing haha :eek::biggrin:

ok, i applied... yesterday. i'll send you a message!!!!
ok i have another question along with the pm i sent. i wear contacts and have seasonal allergies. could that hinder my chances? Also should I go ahead and send my nomination to my district representative?
I'm guessing you mean your nomination application? You should probably go to your representative's website and/or call them tomorrow to find out the deadlines for getting that in. Same with your State Senators. Good Luck. :smile:
From time to time, and exceptional candidate applies late in the process and a nomination is found. We had a student in our district who had planned to apply for 2013, but opened a file for 2012 to see what would happen. He was exceptional and a nom was found. He did not get his appointment til very late (May, I think) but he's doing very well as a plebe at USMA.
Thanks for the info. I will contact my representative either tomorrow or friday. I've never heard about any one around my area going to USNA. That gives me some hope that I could possibly be granted an appointment. Ok next question is, I've submitted my pre-application, should I send in the nomination from my congressman?

Also what are some of the lowest ACTs you have heard of that have got in?
Do you already have a nomination from your congressman?
No, I worded that wrong. What I meant to say is that I am waiting for the pre-applicaiton response, should I go ahead and send the nomination form to my congressman?
The minimum ACT score allowed for MOC interviews is 21 English/ 24 Math. Correct me if I am wrong, I can't remember the last time I looked at the MOC's website.
navy, if you missed the deadline, you better have good excuse because forgetting to do something like that will definitely earn you a cold shoulder from the admissions staff.
This is so interesting. Here in Washington, we must do things late. My deadlines for all three MOC for my state are early/late December. Interviews aren't until late January. Is this odd or do most MOCs have their interviews early?
This is so interesting. Here in Washington, we must do things late. My deadlines for all three MOC for my state are early/late December. Interviews aren't until late January. Is this odd or do most MOCs have their interviews early?

Same with me. California Senators were due Nov 1st but don't call for "telephone interviews" until January. My House Rep application isn't due until Nov 30 so I'm guessing interviews would be late Dec/early Jan. Gahhhh.
The timing is all over the place. Many MOC's like to get it all done by Christmas but they all have until January 31 to submit the names to the Academies.

Personally I think later can be better - you will have first quarter grades and some kids may even have first semester grades and more opportunites to take the SAT's/ACT's and get the scores back.
In Chicago Obama (obviously :thumb:) and Durbin's deadlines were October 5th and October 31st, respectively. (so I missed them)
But my MOC is Dec 8th... and she decides on December 20th.
So I have NO IDEA when the interviews will be... any ideas?

Look on your MOC's website - some put all this information, including the application on the website. Otherwise you have to call.
I didn't see it and that's kinda hard from Europe :frown:

Boy... just applying is nerve-wrenching!
If it was easy, you wouldnt be on these forums asking so many questions :D

My interviewer for senator nomination quoted,"If it was easy you wouldnt be sitting in front of me right now.", when I laughed at a question and jokingly said your making it tough on me. I quote it all the time now :D