Inspirational Story

Great story!
People love to help those who are willing to work hard and succeed.
Glad the kid got the opportunity.
USAFA had "box boy" and we had "donut boy"

During land navigation, a certain new cadet went outside the roughly 5 square mile course into the city and bought 100+ donuts. (not an exaggeration)

Although, AF, I really, really, hope that "donut boy" made it through. That kid had team spirit and guts, and that's the kind of story you'll be telling at your 50th reunion. Is he still there?
To believe this young man is homeless, is unreal. This guy can be a real role model to our young people of this country.

God Bless him,

I found this story a few days before it was posted on this forum. I think it is quite an amazing story and wish congrats to him!