Internet Restrictions


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Dec 16, 2007
Other than the obvious inapropriate material, what restrictions are placed on a cadet's web-surfing?

I think I read somewhere on these forums that streaming video is banned
(is that true btw? I assume that includes YouTube?)

Is streaming music also banned?

Anything else?

porn, youtube, myspace, and anything relating to building explosives, etc. If anything seems suspect, it's probably blocked. Streaming music is not though, however, don't worry about that for next year. ;)
dont worry about it meaning it will be blocked next year or that freshman arent permitted/dont have time lol?
I would assume the latter. Just don't worry about it, concentrate on things that matter.
line within falcon love song "maybe I'd go down load some porn but I can't"

And it answers the question that is NOT a normal college experience.
one last question from me on this subject... is instant messaging allowed? (specifically yahoo messenger)

parents are asking if that would be a good way to just quickly get in touch and make sure everything's ok...
ah ok... does anyone ever get caught doing that?

what would be the consequences for getting caught?
That is not really a question for a public forum like this I don't think. Either don't do it at all or don't get caught.
That is not really a question for a public forum like this I don't think. Either don't do it at all or don't get caught.

My question was in regards to how strictly internet traffic is regulated; not a critical study of moral principles. I honor your opinion, but respectfully disagree.

If you would like me to re-phrase it, here you go:

How seriously are minor (aka non-pornographic, etc) breaches of internet policy taken? Detention? or Honor Code board of review?
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haha I've talked to a cadet for some time through aim at the Academy... so if anything, it isn't "blocked"... just more than likely not allowed. He's never mentioned anything about not being "allowed" to use it though... who knows.
I have heard that its NOT allowed, but is hardly enforced due to its easy communication ability, I would say, dont have AIM or other messengers pooped up on screen during say an inspection of some sort... :wink:

Not to sound mean by any stretch but you are applying to one of the most elite schools in the world and you are worried about instant messenger?????
My son worked his tail off to get in this year and trust me the last thing on his mind is Im'ing anyone. He is so greatful for the opportunity to be part of this program that anything else takes a back seat....

Sorry just dad''s perspective
Not to sound mean by any stretch but you are applying to one of the most elite schools in the world and you are worried about instant messenger?????
My son worked his tail off to get in this year and trust me the last thing on his mind is Im'ing anyone. He is so greatful for the opportunity to be part of this program that anything else takes a back seat....

Sorry just dad''s perspective

since you are obviously brand new to the forums i'll be nice to you.

saying something like that is an open invatiation to start a flame war. it has no relevance to the original question, which by the way has already been completely answered.

if you take the time to go back and read the question, you will see that it was my parentals who were wondering if the occasional "everything goin ok?" message is feasable.
Other than the obvious inapropriate material, what restrictions are placed on a cadet's web-surfing?

I think I read somewhere on these forums that streaming video is banned
(is that true btw? I assume that includes YouTube?)

Is streaming music also banned?

Anything else?


Here is your original post and as far as a "flame war" don't really know what that is all I know is my son is looking forward to the opportunity he has been given and could careless about streaming videos etc.....